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Medicaid Expansion is Like a Three-Year-Old Doing Your Grocery Shopping

by Guest Comment Submission Having the Revenue Committee introduce a Medicaid Expansion bill into the legislature is like having your three-year-old do your grocery shopping. It's all ice cream, popsicles, and candy. Only to make the metaphor more accurate, your three-year-old goes out and finds fifty more toddlers who then spend all of your grocer...

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Medicaid Expansion Has Been a Disaster for Montana

During the final moments of the Senate Labor, Health, and Social Services committee meeting this morning, some pro-MedEx folks raised questions about the facts surrounding Medicaid expansion in the state of Montana. For those who need the truth, here is an excellent research piece from Hayden Dublois. Hayden is a research analyst for FGA, he testif...

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GO BROKE AND DIE WAITING IN LINE In Montana, Medicaid spending grew from 17% to 26% of the overall budget (2015 to 2018, after expansion). These cost increases are consistent in every expansion state with available data, along with dramatically higher enrollment and cost than initial projections. Perhaps the former Montana speaker doesn't see that ...

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HR1: How to ensure that Fraud is EASY in elections.

The Internet and media channels are abuzz with many powerful and articulate discussions of HR1/SR1, the "For the People Act." It is rightly accused of attacks on free speech, an attack on the Supreme Court, a campaign for DC Statehood, the outright trespass on the Constitution's delegation of election process to the states and the codification of v...

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Medicaid Expansion Suicide Vest

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Earlier this year we saw the darkly funny story set overseas when a terrorist instructing his class on how to build and use a suicide belt, blew himself up and took his 21 pupils along with him. No one can predict exactly how many future innocent lives were saved by this academic mishap, but everyone agrees that we ar...

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Medicaid Expansion 101

PART I, WHAT IS MEDICAID?  Chapter 1 A History of Medicaid Medicaid in the United States is a federal and state program created in 1965 that helps pay medical costs for some people with limited income and resources. Medicaid also offers benefits such as nursing home care and personal care services. Medicaid is the largest medical and health-re...

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Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 009

In the latest exciting episode of the Voter Assurance Podcast, the conversation is once again hosted by Jan Peter and Jonathan. Special guest Les Spain joins them. Listen today for more information on technology, processes, oversight, transparency, and how they can improve trust in the voting process. Don't miss this great episode.

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The Sword and the Pen are Equally Mighty

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff One of the core principles of the Wyoming Liberty Group is the support of informed citizens who stand their ground. Human beings as a group have two strengths that elevate them above all other species on Earth- the desire and ability to make war; and the desire and ability to remember. Virtually all of the physical su...

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Wyoming Digital Asset Management: Think Twice

All cyber currency and corporation technologies are essentially databases, managed and maintained in various secure ways, to enable accurate transfer of information. The primary security feature is the legacy accountability, where distributed-open ledgers enable verification of legitimacy. Other features are a lack of a requirement for third party ...

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by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The first principle of The Wyoming Liberty Group is "Respect for individual dignity and sovereignty." First of all, what is sovereignty? The definition is straightforward- it is the status of a sovereign- or the entity granted or assuming the ultimate power of decision. Simply, sovereignty is the power of the individu...

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Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 008

In the latest episode of the Voter Assurance podcast, your hosts Jan Peter and Jonathan are once again examining the erosion of trust in the election system. How things have gone so far that we now see riots and physical violence as a result. Where do we go from here?

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Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 007

In this episode of the Voter Assurance podcast, your hosts Jan Peter and Jonathan look at the costs and distrust Americans are feeling after the election.

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Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 006

In this episode of the Voter Assurance podcast, your hosts Jan Peter and Jonathan dive into the topic of voter rolls. What does it mean to have clean voter rolls? What does it take? Why we might not have them and how to fix them. Check it out now!

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The Paper Ballot Process- How it Works Best and Why it is the Gold Standard for Fair and Honest Elections

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff While there have been great leaps forward in technology in all areas of life, fair and honest elections remain such a fundamental process to the success of our republic that the application of technology for expediency's sake must be examined with a jaundiced eye. All electronic voting machines and tabulation systems ...

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Liberty Talk: Episode 005 - Funding Students NOT Institutions

On this info PACKED episode of Liberty Talk, hosts Mandy and Cassie are joined by one of America's leading authorities on education choice. Recently announced as one of Forbe's 30 under 30, he is the one and only Corey DeAngelis. With a strong belief in funding students, not institutions, he has all the information you are looking for on why. He al...

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Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 005

On this episode of the Voter Assurance Podcast, hosts Jan Peter and Jonathan give listeners an understanding of Motor Voter Laws. How do they apply to Wyoming? What are the results? Be sure to listen today! 

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Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 004

In this episode of the Voter Assurance Podcast, your hosts Jan Peter and Jonathan take listeners on an informative tour of the subject we all know as "vote by mail." How is it different than absentee ballots? What are the known problems with "vote by mail"? Is it less expensive? Are results quicker? All this and more. Listen now! 

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Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 003

In this episode of the Voter Assurance Podcast, host Jan Jeter Otto is once again joined by Jonathan Clark to give listeners a special conversation with Jake Braun of Cambridge Global. Mr. Braun is Chief Executive Officer of Cambridge Global Advisors (CGA) and Managing Director of Cambridge Global Capital (CGC). In this capacity, Mr. Braun has work...

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Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 002

In this episode of the Voter Assurance Podcast, host Jan Peter Otto takes listeners through a full understanding of what risk-limiting audits are and why they are crucial to our voting system's integrity. WyLiberty analyst Jonathan Clark joins Jan Peter. Don't miss this important episode! 

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NEW! Voter Assurance Podcast: Episode 001

In this introductory episode, host Jan Otto is joined by WyLiberty Policy Analyst Jonathan Clark. Together they take listeners on an initial exploratory look into common voting security concerns. What should the gold standard in voter I.D. look like? Should a driver's license be used as I.D.? These topics and more. Listen now! 

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Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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