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Empowering Lifelong Learners Through Homeschooling - Eye on the Issues - Episode 044

Welcome to another episode of "Eye on the Issues." In episode 044, we're joined by a remarkable guest, Brenna Lowry, a devoted homeschooling mom since 1998 and the current president of Homeschool Wyoming. With a bustling household of five children, Brenna brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. Brenna shares her incredible journey...

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The Hidden Perils: The Urgent Need to Reject Cannabis Legalization Efforts and Remove Delta-8 Products from Wyoming Shelves

We were shocked to learn in the headlines around Wyoming that some in our state think the answer to the Delta-8 problem effecting Wyoming communities is marijuana legalization.Cannabis and Delta-8: A Looming Public Health CrisisGateway to Addiction: Cannabis has long been considered a gateway drug that can lead to more dangerous substance abuse. As...

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Learning from Nevada: Marijuana Insights for Wyoming Communities - Eye on the Issues - Episode 043

 This week, we have a special guest joining us from Lovelock, Nevada - Heidi Lusby-Angvick, the Executive Director of the Pershing County Economic Development Authority. You might be wondering why we're reaching out to Nevada, but as you'll soon discover, the challenges and stories shared by Heidi can resonate with many communities across Wyom...

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Wyoming’s Battle For The Range - Eye on the Issues - Episode 042

In this installment, we sit down with a true Wyoming legend, Jim Magagna, the Executive Vice President of the Wyoming Stockgrowers Association. With over six decades of ranching experience in the heart of Wyoming, Jim is a trusted authority on the matters that shape the Cowboy State. Our focus for today's episode? The highly contentious Rock Spring...

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What’s Up With Campaign Finance In Wyoming - Eye on the Issues - Episode 041

Welcome to another episode of "Eye on the Issues" In this interview, we sit down with Steve Klein to delve into the intricate and often bewildering world of campaign finance in the great state of Wyoming. Discover the hidden intricacies of the system, from the onerous filing deadlines to the tedious reports that candidates must navigate. Learn abou...

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A Peak Into The New Mexico Pot Haze with Mark Ronchetti - Episode 040

In this compelling episode of "Eye on the Issues," we sit down with former New Mexico gubernatorial candidate, Mark Ronchetti, for a thought-provoking discussion on the impact of marijuana legalization in the Land of Enchantment. Strap in, because Mark delivers powerful insights that shed light on the challenges New Mexico faces in the wake of hast...

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Broken Promises: The Complex Landscape of Marijuana Legalization

In recent years, the topic of marijuana legalization has taken center stage in the United States. Amidst changing attitudes and evolving legislation, promises have been made, but have they been kept? A thought-provoking Fox News piece by Laura Ingraham dives into the intricacies of this issue, shedding light on the unfulfilled pledges and the evolv...

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Unmasking the Hidden Dangers of Marijuana with Dr. Finn (Part 2) - Eye on the Issues - Episode 039

Part two shines a spotlight on the intriguing topics of Delta 8 and Delta 9, expertly addressed by Dr. Finn. Gain valuable insights into the effects of prenatal cannabis exposure and discover vital information that parents need to safeguard their children. Moreover, Dr. Finn presents groundbreaking studies that explore the connections between marij...

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Unmasking the Hidden Dangers of Marijuana with Dr. Finn Part 1 - Eye on the Issues - Episode 038

Welcome back to another interview with Dr. Finn, where we dive deep into the world of marijuana and its effects on society. In this second interview, we have so much information from Dr. Finn that we had to break it down into two parts. In this portion, Dr. Finn sheds light on the previously unknown impacts of marijuana legalization in Colorado, an...

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Unveiling the Risks: Why Marijuana Decriminalization Raises Concerns

by Wyoming Liberty Group The debate surrounding decriminalizing marijuana at a state level has surfaced again, with proponents touting its potential benefits in reducing criminal justice burdens and generating revenue. However, a comprehensive examination reveals that the path towards decriminalization is fraught with potential pitfalls. Let us del...

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Unveiling The Future of Agriculture - Eye on the Issues - Episode 037

In this captivating episode of Eye on the Issues, we sit down with Stephanie Nash, a prominent advocate for agriculture and supporter of local, family-owned farms and ranches. Stephanie, well-known for her social media presence and appearances on networks like Fox News, shares her invaluable insights on the challenges facing farmers and ranchers to...

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Wyoming Elections Committee Tees Up More Censorship by Red Tape

by Stephen Klein  On May 30th and 31st, the Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee of the Wyoming Legislature held its first interim meeting between legislative sessions in Lander. The meeting opened with an extensive presentation from various officials about how elections work in Wyoming, from registration to poll ...

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From Struggles to Advocacy: Anne Hassel's Journey Beyond Marijuana - Eye on the Issues - Episode 036

For Eye on the Issues Episode 036, we have the privilege of hearing Anne Hassel's remarkable story as she shares her journey from being a marijuana user to becoming an advocate against its use. Anne's life took a different path when she was just 16 years old, feeling awkward and unhappy due to a challenging family environment. It was during a visit...

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Source Your Food Locally with Feed The People By The People - Eye on the Issues - Episode 035

Eye on the Issues Episode 035 is a captivating interview with AJ Richards, a remarkable Wyoming resident who is spearheading an incredible initiative. You may even recognize AJ from various social media platforms. In this episode, we delve deep into his inspirational journey and explore the birth of his brainchild, Feed the People By the People. Pr...

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Lab-Grown Meat, Awareness and Local Sourcing - Eye on the Issues - Episode 034

Welcome to Eye on the Issues Episode 34, featuring an interview with Dr. David Morris, a chiropractic and functional medicine practitioner at Magnolia Medical Center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. In this episode, Dr. Morris shares his insight on the recent approval from the USDA regarding lab-grown meat and his view on the potential dangers that inge...

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Dr. Kenneth Finn: The Impact of Marijuana Legalization In Colorado - Eye on the Issues - Episode 033

Welcome to "Eye on the Issues," where we delve into critical topics affecting our communities. In this thought-provoking interview, we sit down with Dr. Kenneth Finn, a renowned pain physician from Colorado Springs, CO, and a leading expert on marijuana and its consequences. Join us as Dr. Finn sheds light on the public health disaster that unfolde...

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Updates on Marijuana, Delta 8 and Kratom in Wyoming - Eye on the Issues - Episode 032

This information-packed episode of Eye on the Issues is your must-watch update on what's happening in Wyoming. Delta 8 is a growing problem in Wyoming, and Luke breaks down what it is and why parents need to know the dangers. Plus, you'll hear what is happening in the national marijuana debate. All this and more - Don't miss this episode!

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Education Shouldn’t Be One Size Fits All - Eye on the Issues - Episode 031

In this episode of Eye on the Issues, we are joined by Founder and Elementary Lead Teacher Jenny Schucker of Lander's Academy of the Winds. Jenny is a bold example of a mom seeing what her kids need and making it happen. Now families in the Lander area finally have an alternative to public education because Jenny knew education was not a one size f...

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The Voice of Experience - Eye on the Issues - Episode 030

In this Eye on the Issues episode, we are honored to have former Wyoming State Legislator and Speaker of the Wyoming State House from 1983 to 1985, Russ Donley, join us. Russ has played a significant role in the advancement of charter school options in the State of Wyoming, and we finally get to hear his story in his own words. Russ isn't afraid to...

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Chugwater’s New Prairie View Community School - Eye on the Issues - Episode 029

Families in the Chugwater area have long waited for something like this, and the day has arrived for them. In this episode of Eye on the Issues, we are joined by CEO Christian Winger and board member Jerah Nix of the new Prairie View Community School. This new charter school is a project-based learning environment providing children real-world lear...

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Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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