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Wyoming Supreme Court Decision Should Prompt the End of Civil Forfeiture

by Steve Klein Ten years ago, Wyoming Liberty Group published my paper Reforming Civil Asset Forfeiture in Wyoming. The paper detailed how the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act permitted police to seize property—including cash, cars, and firearms—on mere suspicion it was related to drug trafficking, without convicting or even charging the owner wit...

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Citizens United at 10: The American Experiment in Self-Government is Still Intact

by Benjamin Barr Today we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. You have probably heard a number of bad things about Citizens United, but its core truth is simple: groups of people are free to spend money for political speech. Before Citizens United, corporations and unions—...

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Wyoming Big Education Machine Doesn’t Want us to Know Who is Getting Paid What

Despite the clear cut law that names of government servants are public records, Superintendent Jillian Balow thinks she is above the law. School districts across this state will burn through more of our tax dollars hiring attorneys to try and weasel out of a simple public record request by Senator Tom James asking for the names and salaries of thos...

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The Celebrated Fake Frog That Is Taking Down the Deep State

By Karin McQuillan When President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the top constitutional lawyers in the country shared one predominant hope and expectation. Before the hearings, I spoke with five of the men who fought and won hard Supreme Court battles for religious freedom, property rights, and freedom of speech. All of them ...

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
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Phone: (307) 632-7020