Legal Center
Whether protected by the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution or the Declaration of Rights in the Wyoming Constitution, individual liberty can be vindicated in court. Wyoming Liberty Group attorneys represent parties directly and fight for the vindication of founding principles in the state and federal courts.
The Wyoming Liberty Group also contributes to important cases with amicus curiae (friend-of-the-court) briefs when we can provide additional support for constitutional principles that are not or cannot be addressed by other parties.

Free Speech
As of March, 2015, WyLiberty’s free speech efforts are now undertaken by the Pillar of Law Institute.
Minor Party and Independent Candidacy:
Wills v. Maxfield (June 25, 2014)
Vagueness and Narrowly Tailored Law:
Amicus brief in Three Unnamed Petitioners v. Peterson (The John Doe Cases) (Mar. 19, 2015)
Amicus brief in Cary v. Texas (Nov. 3, 2014)
Brophy v. Maxfield (July 24, 2014)
Williams v. City of Cheyenne (Jan. 9, 2014)
Free Speech v. Federal Election Commission (June 14, 2012)
Advisory Opinion Request to Federal Election Commission in the matter of Free Speech (Feb. 29, 2012)
Amici briefs in DeLay v. Texas (Dec. 15, 2011; June 2, 2014)
Government-Subsidized Speech:
Amicus brief in McComish v. Bennett (a.k.a. Arizona Free Enterprise Club’s Freedom Club PAC v. Bennett) (Jan. 20, 2011)
Associational Privacy:
Amici brief supporting certiorari in Independence Institute v. Buescher (Oct. 2, 2009)
Independent Political and Grassroots Advocacy:
Amici brief in Citizens United v. FEC (2) (Jul. 31, 2009)
Amici brief in Citizens United v. FEC (1) (Jan. 5, 2009)
Health Care Freedom
Amici brief in Dep’t of Health and Human Services v. Florida (a.k.a. NFIB v. Sebelius) (Feb. 13, 2012)
Gun Rights
Amici brief in McDonald v. City of Chicago (Nov. 23, 2009)