
Timeless Topics

Some issues never go away, because they are grounded in Constitutional Principals. We feel some information should always be at the forefront of all policy decisions in our state.

Free Speech and Delicate Flowers

With last week's tragedy in France, it is important to pause and reflect on the importance of that most inimical of liberties, free speech. It is with fortune that America is not a regular witness to physical retaliation when dissident and unorthodox ideas are communicated. However, our national cultural and legal respect for free speech slowly dwi...

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Medicaid Expansion - A Costly Experiment

If the proponents of Medicaid Expansion get what they want, and if the SHARE Plan developed by the Wyoming Department of Health is enacted, we can - the report says - expect approximately 17,600 Wyomingites to enroll at an annual cost of $110 million. That is a cost of $6,250 per enrollee per year, or $520.83 per month. There was a point in time, n...

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Medicaid Expansion with Default Promise

One of the biggest problems with tax-paid, government-provided entitlements is that government makes promises without a credible source of funding. The universal approach to entitlements is that legislators identify a problem, assume government is the best vehicle for a solution, then craft a bill, pass it into law and go home to their voters and t...

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Positioning Our Wyoming Health Care System to Succeed

You are likely to hear two arguments — myths, really — favored by Medicaid expansion advocates. The first is that Medicaid expansion will save our Wyoming hospitals; the second is that all enrollees will have their health needs met. As for our hospitals, is true that the discounted "100% reimbursement" promised by the federal government for an esti...

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An Alternative to Medicaid Expansion

It was painful to sit in December's Labor Committee meeting and listen to the Department of Health and others advocate for Medicaid expansion. This is such a terrible idea in so many ways that it is hard to know where to begin explaining what is wrong with it. We get help from Gillette's Doctor John Mansell, who is on the front lines treating patie...

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Is Medicaid Expansion Worth an Income Tax?

Happy New Year, taxpayers! If you live in Wyoming you are probably very happy not to have to pay income taxes. Make the most of it for now - you never know when the state may find itself at a point where it needs to introduce a personal income tax. Actually, strike that. We can foresee the income tax with fairly good accuracy. Let me first stress t...

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Alternative Directions for In-School Discipline

Police officers stationed at schools are generally known as School Resource Officers (SROs). According to the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO), the formalized organization of SROs began in 1991 although alternative sources predate the existence of SROs by several decades. Irrespective of the history of SROs there is little d...

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The Troubling Trend of Elementary School Arrests

For months we have been investigating problems associated with troubled youth in the state of Wyoming. Recently we published a series of reports on How to Keep Kids Out of Jail. Within this series is a piece focusing on the presence of School Resource Officers increasingly in schools. An inflammatory news article appeared in the press just before C...

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Outsourcing School Discipline to the Judicial System

According to juvenile justice advocates such as the ACLU, the School to Prison Pipeline prioritizes incarceration over education due to several factors including failing public schools, zero tolerance policies, increased reliance on police for school discipline, "alternative schools" for disciplinary problem students, court involvement and juvenile...

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Looking Forward For Wyoming’s Juvenile Justice System

The juvenile justice system in Wyoming is unique in the country. It would be pleasing to have a juvenile justice system unique due to its stellar qualities, but unfortunately, Wyoming stands alone based on its failure to achieve even the most basic expectations standard in juvenile justice systems in the rest of the country. One of Wyoming's diverg...

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
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Phone: (307) 632-7020