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The Illusion of Medicaid Expansion - Wyoming lawmakers consider a new health care advisory

by Wyoming Liberty Group Call it an illusion. It sounds good, in principle: More healthcare coverage for those who can't afford it. Who wouldn't want that? But as the old saying goes, nothing's really free. That includes Medicaid, the government program aimed at providing health insurance for children and adults with limited resources. For years, p...

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Guest Blog - Getting Prices Back into Healthcare & Why They Are Missing Now

Dr. John MansellIn virtually every other part of our lives, we consider price when making a purchase decision. This is why it is very unlikely that you are driving a Ferrari.Except in healthcare, where bills are high enough to look like you are buying a Ferrari. Why is that?The healthcare industry sector has been so distorted by its artificial mark...

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This fact sheet is produced by the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility. It is important for our Legislators in WY and the public at large to be informed about the realities of nuclear energy. The promises of green funding by our ever expanding federal green policies are not viable programs for the State of WY to take a risk. Nuclear react...

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Single Payer Healthcare- Rationing Medical Services

Prison, the armed services, Medicare and Medicaid are single payer healthcare systems- the government collects the taxes, sets the payment amounts and "reimburses" providers. The stated objective is to provide a health care yet the end result is rationing. Government is automatically an inefficient way to pay providers- first because it is inflexib...

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Does Federal Aid create an Incentive to Expand Medicaid?

by Evan Blauser A National Overreliance on Federal Grant Money Medicaid is an open-ended federal match program with a national average match ratio of 60 - 40, meaning 60% of funding comes from the Federal government, and the remaining 40% comes from the states. Due to the open-ended match status of Medicaid, states have a built-in incentive to expa...

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Another Heavy Government Hand over Health Care

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Imagine someone walking into a hotel in New York saying "the same hotel room would only cost $80 in Wyoming, so you should only charge me $80 for this $250 room". Absurd? Of course it is. The cost of doing business varies from state to state, even from county to county. Taxes vary, market wages vary, the regulatory bu...

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Does Medicaid Expansion Boost Hospital Quality?

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff As an informed consumer, I have come to expect that if I spend more money on a product, I will receive a greater value and quality product than if I spent less money on it. Although this rule applies to cosmetics, clothing, and motor vehicles, the jury is out on whether or not throwing more money at healthcare creates...

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Health Savings Accounts, freedom, and you!

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff What is a Health Savings Account (HSA), and how can it help you? In the most basic of terms, a healthcare savings account (HSA) is a high-deductible savings account that is tax-deductible and can be drawn from to pay for pre-approved healthcare expenses. The idea behind HSA's is that you can set aside money for health...

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Are you flippable, Wyoming?

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Some progressive outlets are targeting Wyoming as a state that could be flipped to support Democratic causes such as expanding Medicaid coverage to able-bodied adults. Do you want to support their efforts, or do you want to keep Wyoming healthcare privately controlled? The Wyoming legislature is considering Senate Fil...

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Telehealth: The Way of the Future?

Join staff member Evan Blauser for a fascinating podcast as he discusses Telehealth in Wyoming. Where are we now and what the future could hold. Evan exchanges points of view with Dr. James Bush of the Wyoming Telehealth Consortium and Dr. Lisa Finkelstein from St. John's Medical Center in Jackson, WY.

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Cheyenne WY 82009

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