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Gore: Keep our ballots safe

Submitted by: Susan Gore Casper Star Tribune - Oct 25, 2019 Wyoming's need for protective elections statutes is more than obvious. Yet on Sept. 19 the Interim Corporations Committee voted down a voter ID bill. How did that happen? Practice varies across the state. Wyoming election clerks lack legal backup by which to deter non-residents. A person n...

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Red Tape: When the Government Takes Away a Right & Sells It Back to You.

An Analysis of the British Columbia Model to Cut Red Tape – How They Eliminated 1/3 of all Regulations in 3 Years. Wyoming is a society afflicted by distrust when it comes to taxes, an economy reliant on minerals, and government spending. Support for reducing regulation is broad-based as the general public supports such initiatives while lawmakers ...

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No Time to Wait for CSAs

by Austin Hein Child Safety Accounts (CSA) would undoubtedly help protect Wyoming's children from bullying and harassment in their schools. A CSA program would provide funds to families of bullied children to allow them to escape harmful environments in their schools. CSAs give them enough financial flexibility to even attend different schools. All...

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Could the Aerospace Industry be an Opportunity for Wyoming?

by Philip Baron, MBA Many industries in Wyoming focus around the production of oil, gas, and coal. These industries have many small businesses and suppliers that support the miners who extract the minerals from the ground. Some of the support industries that build equipment or manufacture parts could find work making specialty parts for the aerospa...

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Is Wyoming on the Path to its First Income Tax?

As legislators face the spending problem in Wyoming, talk of Wyoming's first breed of an income tax still hovers in the air. A bill that failed in last year's session is back with a new name and projected to produce even less than originally estimated. Philip Baron lays it all out for listeners on the Chuck Gray show. 

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One Property Tax Increase Dies—Another One Takes Its Place

by Philip Baron, MBA A draft bill to raise property taxes by nine mills died with a tie vote of 6 – 6 in the Joint Revenue Committee Meeting on September 19th, 2019. This legislation was first proposed in the spring 2019 legislative session and was not considered for introduction into the house chamber. The proposed property tax increase was to tak...

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An Update on The Proposed Corporate Income Tax in Wyoming

by Philip Baron, MBA Wyoming's proposed corporate income tax is back in a new version that was presented at the Joint Revenue committee in Pinedale on September 19, 2019. This bill sponsored by Rep. Obermueller, R – Casper, passed the committee with a 9 – 4 vote. This new version of the bill would tax all businesses with more than 100 shareholders....

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Is Wyoming a Certificate of Need State or not?

by Evan Blauser In 1963, New York became the first state to implement a new policy mandating that healthcare facilities (including nursing homes) comply with numerous state requirements in order to expand their facilities or construct a new building. The basic tenant behind the policy was that if the government is able to limit the expansion of hea...

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Education Choice: The Ideological Architecture

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff As a political economist I am the first to admit that the final word on any policy reform goes to facts and impartial analysis. There are many times when I have recommended against reforms even though they were ideologically desirable, simply because the economic and fiscal aspects of the reform did not work out right...

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Is this bill the precursor to a red flag law?

By Philip Baron, MBA On Friday, August 26, 2019, the Joint Judiciary Committee met in Casper, Wyoming, for their second interim meeting of the summer. The most controversial issue discussed was the proposed legislation entitled "Reporting Mental Illness Adjudications to Firearm Dealers." This bill is a part of the national "Fix NICS" (National Inst...

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Weekly Economic Report: An Experiment with Education Savings Accounts

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The State of Arizona has an ESA program (Empowerment Scholarship Account) that is often discussed in the national debate over education choice. What would an ESA program look like in Wyoming? Main finding: A Wyoming version of the Arizona ESA, with universal eligibility for the K-12 student population in the state, co...

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Hemp Legalization Stalled by Federal Bureaucracy

by Austin Hein It has been almost a full year since the 2018 Farm bill was signed into law by President Trump. One of the few good provisions of that bill legalized the production of hemp. This is especially good for a state like Wyoming, which has the opportunity to capitalize on this new and exploding market. Unfortunately, as it was reported in ...

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Does Federal Aid create an Incentive to Expand Medicaid?

by Evan Blauser A National Overreliance on Federal Grant Money Medicaid is an open-ended federal match program with a national average match ratio of 60 - 40, meaning 60% of funding comes from the Federal government, and the remaining 40% comes from the states. Due to the open-ended match status of Medicaid, states have a built-in incentive to expa...

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Weekly Economic Report: Personal Income and Consumer Spending, Part 2

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff With the reported change in personal income in Wyoming, from work-based to equity-based and sourced from entitlements, it is valid to ask what the implications are for consumer spending. Main finding: Consumer spending is relatively weak. Basic necessities, including insurance take up a larger share of consumer spendi...

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Allowing “Rulemaking” To Circumvent Public Records Laws – a Bad Idea

A proposed bill being considered by the Judiciary Committee is tabled until their Halloween meeting for concerns from stakeholders and questions about what the bill would actually accomplish. The bill considers taking a bite of the elephant that is public records being stored and accessed electronically through the creation of a website to house so...

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Another Heavy Government Hand over Health Care

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Imagine someone walking into a hotel in New York saying "the same hotel room would only cost $80 in Wyoming, so you should only charge me $80 for this $250 room". Absurd? Of course it is. The cost of doing business varies from state to state, even from county to county. Taxes vary, market wages vary, the regulatory bu...

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Weekly Economic Report: Personal Income and Consumer Spending, Part 1

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff A month from now the Bureau of Economic Analysis releases 2018 consumer-spending data for the states. In two parts, this Report will give an update on the recent history of consumer spending and personal income in Wyoming, compared to other states. This the first part examines personal income. Main finding: Persistent...

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Who Pays for a Fuel Tax Increase in Wyoming?

Philip Baron, MBA At the Joint Revenue Committee meeting in July 2019, Wyoming lawmakers were presented draft legislation to increase the state fuel tax by 3 cents per gallon. According to the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WyDot), this tax would bring in $20 million a year. WyDot would receive 67% of this revenue, about $13.4 million, and t...

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Public Record Law Exceptions Die in Judiciary Committee

"Premature protectionism of agencies and bodies will hinder progress." This was the key message delivered by the Wyoming Liberty Group to the Judiciary Committee when they convened for their second meeting on August 15thand 16th. The Committee agreed, and in a sweeping vote, killed Senator Tara Nethercott's motion to move forward on drafting a bill...

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Weekly Economic Report: Employee Compensation by County and Industry

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Wyoming has the nation's highest Government Employment Ratio and the third-highest Government Compensation Ratio. Our state also lacks in industrial diversity. Main finding: Counties where government earnings are a significant share of employee compensation are more industrially diverse than counties with a relatively...

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Wyoming Liberty Group
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Phone: (307) 632-7020

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