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Follow the money, it's the best basis for transparency and holding our government accountable. Economic theory, government hygiene and government efficiency are tools we must use to limit government size and spending. Without clear understanding of economics and the bottom line, the people won't be served and backdoor deals in government will...

Follow the money, it's the best basis for transparency and holding our government accountable. Economic theory, government hygiene and government efficiency are tools we must use to limit government size and spending. Without clear understanding of economics and the bottom line, the people won't be served and backdoor deals in government will go unchecked.


A Wyoming Economy or a Government Economy

During Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal's visit to Wyoming in November 2015, he discussed his strategy to put Louisiana's fiscal house in order. His basic philosophy of government is that we can grow the American economy or we can grow the government economy, we can't do both. If we want to grow the American economy we must shrink the government eco...

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Clinton Brings Europe's Welfare State to America

by Wyoming Liberty Staff In her big speech on economic policy on July 13, Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton outline a vision for expanding the American welfare state. At 17:45 into the video, Mrs. Clinton summarizes her entitlement agenda: Fair pay and fair scheduling, paid family leave and earned sick days, child care are essential t...

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Will Pot Taxes Make Mead Support Legalization?

by Wyoming Liberty Staff Ever since Colorado decided to legalize marijuana there has been an increasingly intense discussion in Wyoming over whether or not the Cowboy State should go the same way. Some people have (for unclear reasons) confidently, consistently, told us that it can never happen here. However, as I explained last year, whenever ther...

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Pension Reform: Grab the Bull by the Horns

by Sven Larson What can state pension reform advocates learn from Masutatsu Oyama? A great deal. Mr. Oyama - or Sosai Oyama as he should properly be referred to - was the founder of kyokushin karate, one of the toughest striking styles of martial arts ever invented. To prove just how tough his style was, Sosai Oyama fought full-grown bulls using no...

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Tax Reform a Better Alternative to Corporate Welfare

The 2015 legislative session created a number of measures that put taxpayers into the risky business of supporting some private companies. It also, in contrast, set up the Minerals Tax Task Force that could turn this corporate welfare trend around. The job of the task force is to study and make recommendations for a fair, viable and simplified syst...

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Is ACA Causing Health Care Quality Downgrade?

by Wyoming Liberty Staff It has now been five years since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law. Notoriously known as "Obamacare", this highly debated reform - probably the most complicated piece of legislation in U.S. history - is still dispensing unintended consequences. With yet another case related to the ACA being heard...

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The Rise of Radical Socialism

by Wyoming Liberty Staff This article is not about Wyoming. Not directly, at least. But it is about the values that the people of this great state hold dear: freedom and self determination. Beyond our state borders - in fact, beyond the borders of the United States - a new, aggressive brand of radical socialism is on the rise. It is more radical th...

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Medicaid Expansion - A Costly Experiment

If the proponents of Medicaid Expansion get what they want, and if the SHARE Plan developed by the Wyoming Department of Health is enacted, we can - the report says - expect approximately 17,600 Wyomingites to enroll at an annual cost of $110 million. That is a cost of $6,250 per enrollee per year, or $520.83 per month. There was a point in time, n...

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Medicaid Expansion with Default Promise

One of the biggest problems with tax-paid, government-provided entitlements is that government makes promises without a credible source of funding. The universal approach to entitlements is that legislators identify a problem, assume government is the best vehicle for a solution, then craft a bill, pass it into law and go home to their voters and t...

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Is Medicaid Expansion Worth an Income Tax?

Happy New Year, taxpayers! If you live in Wyoming you are probably very happy not to have to pay income taxes. Make the most of it for now - you never know when the state may find itself at a point where it needs to introduce a personal income tax. Actually, strike that. We can foresee the income tax with fairly good accuracy. Let me first stress t...

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