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Follow the money, it's the best basis for transparency and holding our government accountable. Economic theory, government hygiene and government efficiency are tools we must use to limit government size and spending. Without clear understanding of economics and the bottom line, the people won't be served and backdoor deals in government will...

Follow the money, it's the best basis for transparency and holding our government accountable. Economic theory, government hygiene and government efficiency are tools we must use to limit government size and spending. Without clear understanding of economics and the bottom line, the people won't be served and backdoor deals in government will go unchecked.


State and local government decisions about economic liberty, property taxes, and property regulation

Boyd Wiggam and Gary Freeman discuss opportunities for state and local governments to expand economic opportunity and limit taxation including "Special Districts" reform legislation, the Transportation Network Companies bill, and a local government's Fight the Blight Task Force. 

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Economic Liberty, Entrepreneurship, and Transportation Network Companies in Wyoming

Boyd Wiggam and Glenn Woods discuss economic liberty and the Transportation Network Companies bill before the Wyoming legislature that would allow internet-based, ride sharing companies like Uber and Lyft to operate in Wyoming. 

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Wyoming’s Other Liquor Problem (Part 2)

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff We have discussed how Wyoming's alcohol regulatory system limits new small business opportunities without effectively deterring destructive behavior attributable to alcohol. The state rankings of alcohol abuse measured by DUI arrests per capita and binge drinking rate highlight some similar rural states that have comb...

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Wyoming’s Other Liquor Problem (Part 1)

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Wyoming's disturbing rate of alcohol-related calamity is no secret. Two ways to measure alcohol abuse among adults are to look at DUI arrests per capita and binge drinking rate. These measures show Wyoming leads the nation in DUI arrests per capita and is in the CDC's second tier of states (out of three tiers) for bin...

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Happy Anniversary Welfare Reform!

by Charles Katebi Twenty years ago, President Bill Clinton signed welfare reforms into law that revolutionized American anti-poverty policy. Critics warned these changes would cruelly condemn vulnerable families to extreme hardship. But new evidence shows these reforms lifted millions of families out of poverty. According to a new study by the non-...

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Wyoming Must Reduce Education Spending

State revenues are declining dramatically and are expected to continue to decline. That means big ticket items, even crucial ones like K-12 education, must feel the pinch. No one wants the quality of education in Wyoming to drop, but the spending on it must decrease. Why? The Consensus Revenue Estimating Group (CREG) projected in January that total...

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Why Wyoming Needs a Taxpayer Protection Pledge

We often point to the third-party payer problem as the cause of the explosion in health care costs. Insurers pay doctors who provide services to patients. This separation of payer and patient means the patient has little incentive to question the cost or even the quality of service. Now imagine what would happen if a big part of a state's spending ...

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Revenue Committee Supports Internet Sales Tax Grab

In Wyoming, some politicians are looking high and low for ways to take your money, especially if they can make it look like someone else is slipping his hand into your pocket. One way that popped up during a recent Revenue Committee meeting is a tax on Internet retail sales. Proponents justify this tax grab in two ways. First, the need for more tax...

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Weaning Wyoming Off Welfare

by Charles Katebi Welfare was originally created as a safety-net of last resort for those unable to help themselves. But all too often it traps otherwise productive individuals in government dependency, sapping their potential and life prospects. According to a report by the Cato Institute titled The Work Versus Welfare Tradeoff, low-income individ...

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Medicare and Medicaid: A Tale of Two Scams

by Charles Katebi Medicare and Medicaid are the two largest government-run health insurance programs in the United States, and arguably the world. Combined, they cover an estimated 120 million Americans and spend a quarter of the federal government's budget. And without major reforms, these entitlements threaten to bankrupt taxpayers and hang patie...

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
Cheyenne, WY 82009

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