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Clean Power Plan: The Supreme Court's Surprise

On Tuesday, February 9, the Supreme Court stayed the Clean Power Plan (CPP), much to everyone's surprise. The Supreme Court issued a terse order, less than a page long. It gave no explanation and no indication of the thinking of the five Justices who voted for the stay. The Supreme Court has never before granted a stay of any federal regulation whi...

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Direct Primary Care: Lower Costs and Better Health

by Charles Katebi What is Direct Primary Care? Direct primary care is a direct patient-to-provider relationship that delivers quality healthcare at an affordable price. Under a direct primary care contract, patients pay their physicians a flat, monthly fee. And in exchange, their physicians provides a range of primary care services. These services ...

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Colorado's Medicaid Expansion Blunder, Part 1

Charles Katebi interviews Senator Kevin Lundberg, Republican of Colorado's 49th District about to sell Medicaid Expansion and Colorado's error. 

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Saying No to Medicaid Expansion Saves Hospitals and Lives

by Charles Katebi After seeing Wyoming's Hospital Association fight tooth and nail for Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, you'd think Medicaid expansion left hospitals in other states flush with cash. The reality is that Medicaid expansion has significantly cut hospital compensation, resulting in longer wait times and less services for the very patien...

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Wyoming Rejects Medicaid Expansion

by Charles Katebi For four years, supporters of Medicaid expansion urged our elected representatives to permanently commit Wyoming to this entitlement program. And for the fourth year in a row, Wyoming's Joint Appropriations Committee, or JAC, responded with a resounding "No." Governor Matt Mead and Wyoming's biggest healthcare institutions claimed...

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Wyoming Is Safe from Medicaid Expansion – But Could it Rise Again?

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free. PJ O'Rourke Choosing to expand Medicaid is like deciding to marry for the sake of a dream honeymoon when disillusionment is the likely outcome. Fortunately, seven members of the Joint Appropriations Committee rescued Wyoming from a looming and ill-conceived ...

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Reliability and the Clean Power Plan

Such is the stuff of unicorns and leprechauns.– FERC Commissioner Tony Clark One aspect of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) we have not yet discussed in this series of blogs on the Clean Power Plan is the reliability of America's electric power generation in 2030. The recent winter storm Jonas on the east coast should remind us of how much we have come t...

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Solar Powering the World

A meme has been going around Facebook asking, "Did you know that it would take an area of just 254 kilometres squared filled with solar panels to power the entire world?" No sources, no calculations from known data, nothing. Just a bald faced assertion. Really? Let's see if someone with a degree in philosophy, not in engineering, can do a quick bac...

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Medicaid’s Flimsy Math

by Charles Katebi The director of Wyoming's Department of Health, Tom Forslund, recently sat down before the Joint Appropriations Committee (JAC) to make his plea for more spending. The biggest item by far on the agency's wish list was Medicaid Expansion, costing a whopping $268 million. How did he try selling such an expensive line item to the JAC...

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The Free Market or Central Planning–What’s next for Wyoming?

When politicians justify handing out public dollars for private benefit, they use the word investment to spin this spending into something more palatable to voters. However, state directed spending in the economy is nothing more than economic central planning in disguise. To stop the growth in central planning in Wyoming, we must bring the state's ...

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