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The FEC continues to ignore Supreme Court rulings

For reasons only known to the FEC, it continues to ignore Supreme Court rulings. It's time for that to stop because ironically, campaign finance laws do more than big money ever could to shut people up and confine participation in politics to the wealthy and connected. It's time to overturn vague and overbroad laws, and let Free Speech live up to i...

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A behemoth budget bill

It's been a busy budget session and our cartoon this time tells it like it is. Not only do our citizen legislators have to wade through a behemoth budget bill, they have another 250 that they have to vote on, whether they know what they're about or not. This makes it all the more important for citizens to keep an eye on what's happening and let leg...

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You are battling a government that is every day more like an octopus

Does it seem like you have less and less of your own money to spend and jobs are harder to come by? That might be because you are battling a government that is every day more like an octopus; while you confront an ever increasing burden of government head on, its tentacles reach around and pick your pocket with hidden taxes. 

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Delayed Decisions Dig a Deeper Fiscal Hole

Governor Mead announced he will cut approximately $200 million from the current fiscal year's spending. This apparent burst of fiscal conservatism came as a result of a clause in the 2014 budget bill directing the governor to review agency budgets and reduce them if it looks like the fall in tax revenue will result in a deficit. Revenue has been on...

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WINhealth Loses Under Obamacare: A Cautionary Tale

by Charles Katebi With just a few weeks until open enrollment, WINhealth has decided to leave Wyoming's health insurance exchange. The insurer hoped that Obamacare's federal bailout fund would pay for its losses. However, it only paid insurers a fraction of what it promised. Wyoming legislators rejected Medicaid expansion last year because they wor...

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School Districts Strangle School Choice

by Wyoming Liberty Staff "This is the biggest anti school choice vote by a local school board in state history." Sandy Shanor, Chair of Laramie County School Board #1 In a historic 5-2 vote last week in Cheyenne, the state's largest school district passed a solidly anti school choice resolution for use by the Wyoming School Boards Association (WSBA...

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The burden of ever-inflating government

We struggle under the burden of ever-inflating government. Just let go! Down-to-earth free-market alternatives to ballooning government worked in the past and can work again. 

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Committee Cuts Executive Building from Capitol Project

In a rare example of decision making, the Capitol Oversight Committee voted unanimously to approve a new design option for the Herschler building, one without an executive building. This will likely be the first of many reductions in the scope of the over-budget Capitol Square project. It's too bad it takes a fiscal crisis for our governing class t...

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Reading Law

Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts, Antonin Scalia and Bryan A. Garner. Thomson/West, 2012. $69.93 new, $43.27 used, and Kindle edition at Amazon.com. As they say on the Internet, IANAL. I am not a lawyer. So what am I, a non-lawyer, doing reviewing a book on reading legal texts? A book that might well be a law school text or part of an...

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Liberty Squashed by the Legislature

This comic represents the Wyoming Liberty Index, maintained by the Wyoming Liberty Group but scored by volunteers. 

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