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Weekly Economic Report: Net Spending on Education and Health Care

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Government spending in Wyoming is under scrutiny, in part because of proposals to raise taxes as an alternative to spending cuts. This Report examines three spending areas with reference to government charges, calculating the net spending by those areas. Main finding: Because of the net balance between spending on the...

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Wind Tax in Wyoming

By Philip Baron, MBA Decreased mineral tax revenue has led Wyoming lawmakers to consider raising the tax on wind energy from $1 a Megawatt Hour to $5 a Megawatt Hour. Wyoming is the only state that has a true "Wind Tax" of $1 per kilowatt-hour. When compared to other wind producing states in the West, Wyoming has had a lack of wind development sinc...

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The Rural-State Myth

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff It is sometimes suggested that Wyoming needs more government spending per capita because we are a rural state. As recently as on July 21, the Casper Star Tribune suggested as much: According to a 2018 analysis by USA Today, state and local government spending per capita in Wyoming is the second-highest in the nation, ...

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Weekly Economic Report: The Effect of TABOR on Government Revenue

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The last Weekly Economic Report explained that there had been no visible effect on government spending in Colorado since the introduction of TABOR. This Report looks at the revenue side of the budget. Main finding: The introduction of TABOR has had a limited but statistically visible effect on state revenue in line wi...

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Don’t Be Afraid of the Big Bad Blaine

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Education choice is vital to growing and developing Wyoming as a state. Wyoming needs a strong, student-centered education system to move forward. Many of the state legislators understand this, but why is there such little progress in education freedom? Most arguments you hear are weak excuses, such as the case with t...

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Tax Loss from Reduced Coal Production in Wyoming

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The bankruptcy of Blackjewel LLC on July 1st, 2019, led to the closure of their operations in Wyoming at the Bella Ayr and Eagle Butte mines. Around 600 miners were put out of work. These mines generate around $30.4 million1 a year in severance taxes (tax on minerals taken from the ground), and about $15.2 million2 a ...

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Spending Cuts: In Response to the Revenue Committee

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Some citizens who have corresponded the Revenue Committee in opposition to tax hikes have been asked for input on where the state can make budget cuts. This is a welcome question, one that legislators have asked before. Before I respond to this request, I would like to point out that there is not exactly a vacuum wher...

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The Corporate Income Tax on The Table in Wyoming & Misconceptions About the "Throwback" Rule

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff On Tuesday, July 9th, Rep. Jerry Obermueller (R - Casper) presented an updated version of a bill known in the Spring 2019 legislative session as The National Retail Fairness Act. This bill presented to the Revenue Committee, is now being called National Corporate Tax Recapture, and, like the previous version, it propo...

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Begging the Question: How Conventional Wisdom Leads to Higher Taxes

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Whenever politicians write bills about taxes and government spending they do so based on a an idea of how government relates to the private sector. This idea is rarely spelled out, and most of the time the politicians themselves are not even aware of how it affects their work. More often than we might want to admit, l...

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The Itchy Finger of Government Regulations

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff If a business is not taxed or regulated, does it exist? This is not just a question for practitioners of empirical ontology, but one that has real-world meaning in Wyoming today. Explains the Casper Star Tribune: Since the idea first appeared in the Legislature last year, regulated gambling was recognized by many to b...

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
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Phone: (307) 632-7020