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Who Pays for a Fuel Tax Increase in Wyoming?

Philip Baron, MBA At the Joint Revenue Committee meeting in July 2019, Wyoming lawmakers were presented draft legislation to increase the state fuel tax by 3 cents per gallon. According to the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WyDot), this tax would bring in $20 million a year. WyDot would receive 67% of this revenue, about $13.4 million, and t...

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Public Record Law Exceptions Die in Judiciary Committee

"Premature protectionism of agencies and bodies will hinder progress." This was the key message delivered by the Wyoming Liberty Group to the Judiciary Committee when they convened for their second meeting on August 15thand 16th. The Committee agreed, and in a sweeping vote, killed Senator Tara Nethercott's motion to move forward on drafting a bill...

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Weekly Economic Report: Employee Compensation by County and Industry

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Wyoming has the nation's highest Government Employment Ratio and the third-highest Government Compensation Ratio. Our state also lacks in industrial diversity. Main finding: Counties where government earnings are a significant share of employee compensation are more industrially diverse than counties with a relatively...

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Questioning Medicare’s Sustainability

by Evan Blauser Medicare's History and Background At the height of the President Lyndon B. Johnson's "War on Poverty" and "Great Society", the idea of paying in advance for senior's medical costs was presented and passed by the 89th Congress in 1965, and Medicare came into fruition. Since their inception, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security hav...

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Weekly Economic Report: Trends in Private-Sector Employment

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff With reference to the recent job losses in Wyoming coal mines, this Report presents a review of employment trends in the private sector since 1990. Main findings: 1) Job growth today is low by historic comparison. 2) In terms of employment, our economy is more diversified now than it was three decades ago. News storie...

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Education Choice for the People

by Austin Hein Earlier this year, the American Federation for Children (AFC) released the results of a poll they conducted, testing the favorability of school choice programs. The poll showed that 78% of people polled support education savings account programs (ESA). This begs the question: if nearly four-fifths of people support ESAs, why hasn't W...

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Optional Municipal Tax and How Sales Tax Works in Wyoming

By Philip Baron, MBA A draft bill presented to the Joint Revenue Committee in July of 2019, would allow voters in a city to approve a sales tax increase (up to 1%) for up to four years. Tax increases imposed for a specific project would expire if they collect the amount of funding needed for the project before the four-year time period. Right now, ...

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Weekly Economic Report: Government Employment and Compensation Ratios

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The Government Employment Ratio (GER) is one of several measurements of the size of government. Likewise, the Government Compensation Ratio (GCR) is a measurement of the cost of government related directly to the performance of the private sector. Main finding: Wyoming has the largest GER and the second highest GCR of...

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CSAs and ESAs Are Unquestionably Constitutional

by Austin Hein Last week, I wrote about the constitutionality of education choice programs and how they relate to the recent Supreme Court ruling of Trinity Lutheran v. Comer. If that was not enough to convince you of the Constitutionality of education choice programs, this will. Regardless of the Trinity Lutheran decision, programs like Education ...

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Two Myths about Government Spending

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Every time I open the Casper Star Tribune I feel the urge to write another "set the record straight" piece. Just last week I had to correct the Tribune's account on the corporate income tax; this week's exhibit of biased reporting is their July 21 story on government spending reform. The article gives the reader a fir...

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
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