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Health Care

Healthcare has many different aspects, but fundamentally all people need support for securing their health and well being. The government has nothing to do with your health, that's your own responsibility. being informed of the true facts of potential illness is on your family and you. So much of healthcare is conflated with insurance and...

Healthcare has many different aspects, but fundamentally all people need support for securing their health and well being. The government has nothing to do with your health, that's your own responsibility. being informed of the true facts of potential illness is on your family and you. So much of healthcare is conflated with insurance and costs, policy should develop firm guidelines and regulation for the industry: BUT they should not be institutionalizing insurance and healthcare programs that squash the freedom the free market gives us when choosing our healthcare plans.


The Problem with the Santa Claus State

An accidental step towards real reform may benefit the charitable sector. Wyoming government revenues will not meet projections for the 2017-18 biennium. With a projected shortfall of between $240 and $510 million, Governor Mead responded by cutting the 2017-18 biennium budget by $248 million, or about 8-percent of the 2-year general fund budget of...

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Freeing Patients from Medicaid

Charlie Katebi and John Birbari discuss the budget crisis' impending impact on Medicaid and how patient-centered reforms can give Medicaid patients greater control over their healthcare and deliver better value for taxpayers. 

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Saving Patients from Medicaid

by Charles Katebi Liberals frequently claim that Medicaid expands healthcare options to the less fortunate. But without major reforms, Medicaid will become a major barrier for patients seeking care. Medicaid's looming threat to patients stems from its wasteful reimbursement regime. The program pays most doctors, hospitals, and clinics on a fee-for-...

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Beating a Path to Medicaid Reform

by Charles Katebi Wyoming originally opted into Medicaid to help low-income individuals access medical care. But unless this entitlement undergoes systemic reforms, patients will find it harder than ever to get healthcare. At Wyoming's Joint Labor, Health, and Social Services Committee meeting in Casper, the Department of Health announced it will c...

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Medicaid’s Critical Condition

by Charles Katebi Governor Matt Mead's critics rightly chastised his plan to expand Medicaid without any foreseeable way of paying for new patients. Now it turns out we can't even afford totake care of patients already on Medicaid. In April, Wyoming's Consensus Revenue Estimating Group (or CREG) reported that the state will take in $110 to $130 mil...

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Medicaid's Mental Health Scandal

Charlie Katebi and Gary Freeman on KGAB discuss Medicaid's tragic impact on mentally ill patients and why Medicaid expansion won't provide them better healthcare access.  

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UnitedHealth Obamacare's Death Spiral

Charlie Katebi and Chuck Gray on KVOC discuss UnitedHealth's departure from Obamacare's health insurance exchanges and what it means for patients and President Obama's healthcare law. 

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Medicaid, Mental Illness, and Malpractice

by Charles Katebi In the eyes of progressives, Obamacare provides for all of society's needs: It creates jobs! It heals the sick! It balances state budgets! Now the Obama Administration claims it expands healthcare access to patients with mental illnesses. According to a report from the US Department of Health and Human Services, 1.9 million low-in...

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How to Roll Back Obamacare

Charlie Katebi and Chuck Gray on KVOC discuss recent efforts by Arkansas lawmakers to roll back Obamacare's Medicaid expansion and why Wyoming was right to reject it. 

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Six Years of Obamacare, Six Broken Promises

by Charles Katebi In March of 2010, Congress rushed to pass a massive unread bill titled, "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," aka Obamacare. Now at the sixth anniversary of Obamacare we ask, "Has this legislation in fact protected patients, and has it proved to be affordable?" Here are six examples of promises Obamacare has broken: 1) Oba...

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