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Health Care

Healthcare has many different aspects, but fundamentally all people need support for securing their health and well being. The government has nothing to do with your health, that's your own responsibility. being informed of the true facts of potential illness is on your family and you. So much of healthcare is conflated with insurance and...

Healthcare has many different aspects, but fundamentally all people need support for securing their health and well being. The government has nothing to do with your health, that's your own responsibility. being informed of the true facts of potential illness is on your family and you. So much of healthcare is conflated with insurance and costs, policy should develop firm guidelines and regulation for the industry: BUT they should not be institutionalizing insurance and healthcare programs that squash the freedom the free market gives us when choosing our healthcare plans.


Is Medicaid Expansion Still Voluntary?

by Charles Katebi Throughout the debate to expand Medicaid during the 2015 Legislative Session, opponents repeatedly claimed that the federal government couldn't be trusted to keep its promise to cover 90 percent of Medicaid Expansion's costs. So it should come as no surprise that the Obama Administration has now broached the idea of reneging on it...

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The Birth (And Possible Death) of the Employer Mandate

by Charles Katebi Ever since Congress passed Obamacare in 2010, each April 15, the dreaded tax return filing day, brings ever more complexity to our federal tax code. This year's complexity is the employer mandate, the most harmful of the law's tax provisions because it spells trouble for businesses and workers alike. If the Supreme Court sides wit...

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Obamacare’s Crisis and Opportunity

by Charles Katebi In March, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in King v. Burwell, a case that could decide the fate of Obamacare in Wyoming and around the country. The case centers on whether the federal government has the authority to issue tax credits to subsidize insurance on exchanges that it has established. If the chief justices rule aga...

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Uncompensated Care Calamity

by Charles Katebi If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. After the Wyoming legislature overwhelmingly rejected Medicaid expansion, its advocates returned to the drawing board to design another half-baked measure to help hospitals cope with the rising cost of uncompensated care. Senate File 145, otherwise known as the Uncompensated Care Bill...

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Is ACA Causing Health Care Quality Downgrade?

by Wyoming Liberty Staff It has now been five years since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law. Notoriously known as "Obamacare", this highly debated reform - probably the most complicated piece of legislation in U.S. history - is still dispensing unintended consequences. With yet another case related to the ACA being heard...

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Wyoming Rejects Medicaid’s Bad Medicine

by Charles Katebi With just two weeks remaining in the legislative session, the forces of socialized medicine were defeated, at least for now. After losing decisively in the Wyoming Senate and finding no traction in the Wyoming House, Medicaid Expansion supporters tried to ram this policy through with an amendment to the budget bill. Amendment 31 o...

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Medicaid Expansion - A Costly Experiment

If the proponents of Medicaid Expansion get what they want, and if the SHARE Plan developed by the Wyoming Department of Health is enacted, we can - the report says - expect approximately 17,600 Wyomingites to enroll at an annual cost of $110 million. That is a cost of $6,250 per enrollee per year, or $520.83 per month. There was a point in time, n...

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Medicaid Expansion with Default Promise

One of the biggest problems with tax-paid, government-provided entitlements is that government makes promises without a credible source of funding. The universal approach to entitlements is that legislators identify a problem, assume government is the best vehicle for a solution, then craft a bill, pass it into law and go home to their voters and t...

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Positioning Our Wyoming Health Care System to Succeed

You are likely to hear two arguments — myths, really — favored by Medicaid expansion advocates. The first is that Medicaid expansion will save our Wyoming hospitals; the second is that all enrollees will have their health needs met. As for our hospitals, is true that the discounted "100% reimbursement" promised by the federal government for an esti...

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An Alternative to Medicaid Expansion

It was painful to sit in December's Labor Committee meeting and listen to the Department of Health and others advocate for Medicaid expansion. This is such a terrible idea in so many ways that it is hard to know where to begin explaining what is wrong with it. We get help from Gillette's Doctor John Mansell, who is on the front lines treating patie...

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