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Health Care

Healthcare has many different aspects, but fundamentally all people need support for securing their health and well being. The government has nothing to do with your health, that's your own responsibility. being informed of the true facts of potential illness is on your family and you. So much of healthcare is conflated with insurance and...

Healthcare has many different aspects, but fundamentally all people need support for securing their health and well being. The government has nothing to do with your health, that's your own responsibility. being informed of the true facts of potential illness is on your family and you. So much of healthcare is conflated with insurance and costs, policy should develop firm guidelines and regulation for the industry: BUT they should not be institutionalizing insurance and healthcare programs that squash the freedom the free market gives us when choosing our healthcare plans.


Essential Information on HB0004 - Medicaid Twelve Month Postpartum Coverage

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Robert Troyer - Part 9: THC Potency

No joke, THC potency's are greater than ever. By in large this comparison should give every concerned person pause. A drug not vetted by the FDA, as dangerous as  alcohol and other illicit drugs being distributed as a natural harmless substance for whatever ails you. Wake up compromise-rs and stop pretending this is a great funding idea.

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Robert Troyer - Part 8: As the Industry Grows

The marijuana culture doesn't change its outcomes as it grows. Mental health issues are prevalent in chronic users, those users don't produce and consequentially mental health and enforcement services get overburden with the poor prospects of rehabilitation, especially of younger  male addicts. Guess what, the bigger investors ore the cities a...

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Single Payer Healthcare- Rationing Medical Services

Prison, the armed services, Medicare and Medicaid are single payer healthcare systems- the government collects the taxes, sets the payment amounts and "reimburses" providers. The stated objective is to provide a health care yet the end result is rationing. Government is automatically an inefficient way to pay providers- first because it is inflexib...

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Medicaid Expansion is Like a Three-Year-Old Doing Your Grocery Shopping

by Guest Comment Submission Having the Revenue Committee introduce a Medicaid Expansion bill into the legislature is like having your three-year-old do your grocery shopping. It's all ice cream, popsicles, and candy. Only to make the metaphor more accurate, your three-year-old goes out and finds fifty more toddlers who then spend all of your grocer...

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Medicaid Expansion Has Been a Disaster for Montana

During the final moments of the Senate Labor, Health, and Social Services committee meeting this morning, some pro-MedEx folks raised questions about the facts surrounding Medicaid expansion in the state of Montana. For those who need the truth, here is an excellent research piece from Hayden Dublois. Hayden is a research analyst for FGA, he testif...

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GO BROKE AND DIE WAITING IN LINE In Montana, Medicaid spending grew from 17% to 26% of the overall budget (2015 to 2018, after expansion). These cost increases are consistent in every expansion state with available data, along with dramatically higher enrollment and cost than initial projections. Perhaps the former Montana speaker doesn't see that ...

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Medicaid Expansion Suicide Vest

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Earlier this year we saw the darkly funny story set overseas when a terrorist instructing his class on how to build and use a suicide belt, blew himself up and took his 21 pupils along with him. No one can predict exactly how many future innocent lives were saved by this academic mishap, but everyone agrees that we ar...

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Medicaid Expansion 101

PART I, WHAT IS MEDICAID?  Chapter 1 A History of Medicaid Medicaid in the United States is a federal and state program created in 1965 that helps pay medical costs for some people with limited income and resources. Medicaid also offers benefits such as nursing home care and personal care services. Medicaid is the largest medical and health-re...

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Sunsetting Medicaid expansion

Late in the afternoon on Monday, February 10th, 2020, the Wyoming State Legislature failed to pass House Bill 75, a measure intended to pave the way for Medicaid expansion. Although the bill failed before it could officially be introduced in the House of Representatives, examining the contents of House Bill 75 closely to determine whether or not ex...

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