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Political Perspectives

Political issues need to be understood in the context of our fundamental rights foremost. Its easy to get lost in sentiments of helping others thinking government is a pool of wealth,  It is not an endless pool or resources, it is the people purse. Charity begins at home, It is the answer for real, tangible and human help which is what we all...

Political issues need to be understood in the context of our fundamental rights foremost. Its easy to get lost in sentiments of helping others thinking government is a pool of wealth,  It is not an endless pool or resources, it is the people purse. Charity begins at home, It is the answer for real, tangible and human help which is what we all need. The wealth fare of people is guaranteed by access to opportunity.  We cannot continue to live by victimization political action, it is a lie. All people need opportunity and accountability to develop into healthy productive citizens. Politics has deteriorated the individual worth for an opportunity to have a good and virtuous life.


Legalizing Any Form of Marijuana Use in Wyoming is a Step Toward Liberals Flipping Wyoming to a Blue State Instead of Red.

As this article discusses, "Even cannabis advocates, like Rob Kampia, the co-founder of the Marijuana Policy Project, acknowledge that they have always viewed medical marijuana laws primarily as a way to protect recreational users." Read more from Alex Berenson as he discusses the intriguing evidence of a link between rising cannabis use and increa...

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Regulating “Dark Money” is Code for Censorship

By: Steve Klein Campaign finance law is based theoretically on the prevention of lighter forms of political corruption. Corruption is exemplified in bribery, which has long been outlawed and is rightly punished as a felony in Wyoming. Bribery law punishes the exchange of money for official acts; campaign finance law aims to curb a more nebulous inf...

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Campaign Finance Rhetoric Is Not Reality

by Steve Klein In the 2018-19 legislative interim, the Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions committee is addressing campaign finance law. This is the first time the committee has taken up the topic since, well, last year, after a comprehensive bill on the topic—House Bill 67—died without a vote in the House during the 2018 Budge...

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Campaign Finance Disclosure: Who Actually Reads This Stuff?

by Stephen Klein There were a number of developments at this week's interim meeting of the Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions committee of the Wyoming Legislature. Several draft bills suggest potential amendments to Wyoming's campaign finance laws; some of proposals are good, and some of them are not. I am encouraged that members of...

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Majority of Wyoming Citizens Support the Taxpayer Protection Pledge

In a recent poll conducted on behalf of the Wyoming Liberty Group, Wyoming taxpayers overwhelmingly supported our Taxpayer Protection Pledge by saying they would be much more likely to vote for a candidate who had signed the pledge. In the same poll, voters said they believed Wyoming could get it's deficit spending under control through cuts in sta...

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The Problem with the Santa Claus State

An accidental step towards real reform may benefit the charitable sector. Wyoming government revenues will not meet projections for the 2017-18 biennium. With a projected shortfall of between $240 and $510 million, Governor Mead responded by cutting the 2017-18 biennium budget by $248 million, or about 8-percent of the 2-year general fund budget of...

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The Environment for Free Speech

Free speech is under attack from three main sources around the world. Government repression has increased. After the Soviet Union fell, Russia enjoyed a free-for-all. Alas, today Mr. Putin has tightened the muzzle again. A number of non-state actors are at that game. Journalists in Mexico who investigate corruption may end up dead. Jihadists shoot ...

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Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal talks to Doug Randall on KGAB about the need to shrink the size of government to grow the private economy and put the state’s fiscal house in order

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal talks to Doug Randall on KGAB about the need to shrink the size of government to grow the private economy and put the state's fiscal house in order. November 9, 2015

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Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal talk to Chuck Gray on KVOC about how he shrank the size of government in his state

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal talk to Chuck Gray on KVOC about how he shrank the size of government in his state to set the stage for growth in the private sector, more jobs and a higher standard of living for the people of Louisiana. November 7, 2015 

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Business Ready Communities or Corporate Welfare?

The Wyoming Business Council (WBC) enables a number of programs that funnel tax dollars to private companies. When the WBC asked the State Loan and Investment Board for a $1.35 million grant for a Wyoming town to benefit a private company, McGinley Orthopaedic Innovations, the Board rubber stamped it, as expected. This is but one example of a corpo...

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Phone: (307) 632-7020

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