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Legal Perspectives

Our state and federal constitutions go hand in hand to lay the foundation of our liberties. In the name of living and breathing constitutional ideology we have become a litigious legal society. The overwhelming amount of new laws and case law sometimes obscures peoples basic rights and we need to fight against these limitations based on popular...

Our state and federal constitutions go hand in hand to lay the foundation of our liberties. In the name of living and breathing constitutional ideology we have become a litigious legal society. The overwhelming amount of new laws and case law sometimes obscures peoples basic rights and we need to fight against these limitations based on popular sentiment or ideology. Our founding is based on a solid and unmovable belief in the preservation of the right of ordinary people to be the primary source of power given by God.


Robert Troyer - Part 3: Welcoming a Criminal Empire

Whether or not federal legalization of marijuana happens, (the federal government is inviting criminals into our country daily) our State will have to realize legalization does not stop the growth of illegal operations. These criminals can hide behind inefficient and ambiguous laws and rights which increase prosecution costs and incarceration costs...

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Robert Troyer - Part 2: Criminals Bend the Rules

OK Wyoming , state law and federal law are hide outs for sophisticated drug dealers, cartels and enemies wanting to dismantle our population with an addicted population so they can break us down. Legalizing Marijuana green lights criminal organizations that will end up costing (as it has already in CO) the state many millions of dollars that no tax...

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Drones and Trespass: Surveillance Issues Hover in the Legislative Interim

by Steve Klein Eight years ago, WyLiberty supported a Drone Protection Act that would require law enforcement to get a warrant before using an unmanned aerial vehicle (that's a fancy term for "drone") to search private property in criminal investigations. The bill, sponsored by the Joint Judiciary Committee, passed the Wyoming House but then died i...

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More fines and imprisonment won't reform Wyoming campaign finance

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Wyoming campaign finance law, or "campaign finance reform" if you prefer, is pointless and counterproductive. It has served as nothing more than a bundle of platitudes and a dirty political tool for more than a century, since the Republican Party unreasonably accused Democrat John Kendrick of violating the state's ori...

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Medicaid Expansion is Like a Three-Year-Old Doing Your Grocery Shopping

by Guest Comment Submission Having the Revenue Committee introduce a Medicaid Expansion bill into the legislature is like having your three-year-old do your grocery shopping. It's all ice cream, popsicles, and candy. Only to make the metaphor more accurate, your three-year-old goes out and finds fifty more toddlers who then spend all of your grocer...

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Citizens United at 10: The American Experiment in Self-Government is Still Intact

by Benjamin Barr Today we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. You have probably heard a number of bad things about Citizens United, but its core truth is simple: groups of people are free to spend money for political speech. Before Citizens United, corporations and unions—...

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Electrical Generation Tax Proposed by Lawmakers

by Philip Baron, MBA A proposed bill to tax electricity generated in Wyoming was heard Interim Joint Revenue Committee on Tuesday, Nov 12th, 2019. The committee failed to vote on the legislation. The proposal led by Sen. Cale Case, R – Lander, seeks to tax electricity generated in Wyoming at a rate of $1 a Megawatt-hour (MWH) or the gross receipts ...

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Hemp Legalization Stalled by Federal Bureaucracy

by Austin Hein It has been almost a full year since the 2018 Farm bill was signed into law by President Trump. One of the few good provisions of that bill legalized the production of hemp. This is especially good for a state like Wyoming, which has the opportunity to capitalize on this new and exploding market. Unfortunately, as it was reported in ...

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CSAs and ESAs Are Unquestionably Constitutional

by Austin Hein Last week, I wrote about the constitutionality of education choice programs and how they relate to the recent Supreme Court ruling of Trinity Lutheran v. Comer. If that was not enough to convince you of the Constitutionality of education choice programs, this will. Regardless of the Trinity Lutheran decision, programs like Education ...

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Civil Forfeiture in Wyoming: the Coming Impact of the Timbs Ruling

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The Supreme Court recently delivered a landmark decision regarding the constitutionality of civil asset forfeiture as it applies to the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Civil Asset Forfeiture is a mechanism law enforcement agencies use to seize property which they determine as associated with...

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