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Block Grants: A prescription for Medicaid reform in Wyoming

by Charles Katebi Every year, Wyoming taxpayers spend hundreds of millions of dollars on Medicaid. Yet we have little to say in its management. The federal government mandates who Medicaid covers, what it pays for, and how it pays doctors. Because of all these mandates, Medicaid has grown too large and cumbersome to ensure patients have reliable ac...

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Wyoming's Budget Crisis is a Health Care Crisis

Charlie Katebi and KGAB's Gary Freeman discuss Governor Matt Mead's budget cuts and how the state's fiscal crisis exposes Medicaid's empty promises to patients. 

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Freeing Patients from Medicaid

Charlie Katebi and John Birbari discuss the budget crisis' impending impact on Medicaid and how patient-centered reforms can give Medicaid patients greater control over their healthcare and deliver better value for taxpayers. 

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Medicaid's Fiscal Cliff

Charlie Katebi and Gary Freeman on KGAB discuss the Department of Health's plans to cut $200 million from state healthcare programs, including Medicaid. They also dicuss how these cuts will make it harder for patients to see doctors and how Wyoming should reform Medicaid. 

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Medicaid's Mental Health Scandal

Charlie Katebi and Gary Freeman on KGAB discuss Medicaid's tragic impact on mentally ill patients and why Medicaid expansion won't provide them better healthcare access.  

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UnitedHealth Obamacare's Death Spiral

Charlie Katebi and Chuck Gray on KVOC discuss UnitedHealth's departure from Obamacare's health insurance exchanges and what it means for patients and President Obama's healthcare law. 

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Medicaid, Mental Illness, and Malpractice

by Charles Katebi In the eyes of progressives, Obamacare provides for all of society's needs: It creates jobs! It heals the sick! It balances state budgets! Now the Obama Administration claims it expands healthcare access to patients with mental illnesses. According to a report from the US Department of Health and Human Services, 1.9 million low-in...

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How to Roll Back Obamacare

Charlie Katebi and Chuck Gray on KVOC discuss recent efforts by Arkansas lawmakers to roll back Obamacare's Medicaid expansion and why Wyoming was right to reject it. 

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Six Years of Obamacare, Six Broken Promises

by Charles Katebi In March of 2010, Congress rushed to pass a massive unread bill titled, "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," aka Obamacare. Now at the sixth anniversary of Obamacare we ask, "Has this legislation in fact protected patients, and has it proved to be affordable?" Here are six examples of promises Obamacare has broken: 1) Oba...

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Obamacare's Collapsing Co-ops

Charlie Katebi and Chuck Gray on KVOC discuss how Obamacare's failing health insurance co-ops are ripping off taxpayers, patients, and doctors. 

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