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Questions About the Nuclear Plant in Kemmerer - Wyoming Deserves More Answers about Gates Project

by Wyoming Liberty Group Bill Gates professes to know what's best for our state. Yes, that guy. The cofounder of tech giant Microsoft. By the way, being a billionaire doesn't necessarily make one wise. But in Gates' case, it does give him some serious currency in the cowboy state, where his company, TerraPower, is building a nuclear plant. Gates la...

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The Looming Prospect of Storing Nuclear Waste in Wyoming - We need answers

by Wyoming Liberty Group It's a basic mathematical equation: A lack of money + a need to pay for stuff = pressure. Pressure to find another source of revenue, if you're the state government in Wyoming. And if we're not careful, we'll end up with a deal with the proverbial devil. It's a dangerous promethean promise if the conversation has to do with...

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The Nuclear Question: Lessons From New Mexico - Episode 77

In this important episode, we sit down with Tina Cordova, co-founder of the Tula Rosa Basin Downwinders Consortium, to discuss the critical lessons Wyoming can learn from New Mexico's experience with nuclear waste. As Wyoming considers becoming a storage site for out-of-state nuclear waste, Tina shares her personal testimony on the devastating heal...

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This fact sheet is produced by the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility. It is important for our Legislators in WY and the public at large to be informed about the realities of nuclear energy. The promises of green funding by our ever expanding federal green policies are not viable programs for the State of WY to take a risk. Nuclear react...

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Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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