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SF144 - Important Bills to Watch 2023

SF144, better known as Chloe's Law, is an essential piece of legislation for Wyoming. This video is footage from this morning's Senate Labor, Health & Social Services meeting. The bill passed the committee unanimously. If SF144 passes into law, it will prohibit physicians from performing procedures for children related to gender transitioning a...

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SF111 - Important Bills to Watch 2023

Another critical bill to watch as it progresses through the 2023 Wyoming legislative session. Testimony in this video took place on Friday, January 27th, when it passed the committee in a 3-2-0-0-0 vote. It has since passed the third reading in the Senate with a 22-9-0-0-0 vote and was received for introduction in the House on 2-2-23.

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Important Bills to Watch - HB0070

Kids deserve the chance to learn in whatever environment serves them best. This is a big step for homeschooling in Wyoming. Be sure to watch the progress of HB0070.

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Drones and Trespass: Surveillance Issues Hover in the Legislative Interim

by Steve Klein Eight years ago, WyLiberty supported a Drone Protection Act that would require law enforcement to get a warrant before using an unmanned aerial vehicle (that's a fancy term for "drone") to search private property in criminal investigations. The bill, sponsored by the Joint Judiciary Committee, passed the Wyoming House but then died i...

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Medicaid Expansion is Like a Three-Year-Old Doing Your Grocery Shopping

by Guest Comment Submission Having the Revenue Committee introduce a Medicaid Expansion bill into the legislature is like having your three-year-old do your grocery shopping. It's all ice cream, popsicles, and candy. Only to make the metaphor more accurate, your three-year-old goes out and finds fifty more toddlers who then spend all of your grocer...

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Sunsetting Medicaid expansion

Late in the afternoon on Monday, February 10th, 2020, the Wyoming State Legislature failed to pass House Bill 75, a measure intended to pave the way for Medicaid expansion. Although the bill failed before it could officially be introduced in the House of Representatives, examining the contents of House Bill 75 closely to determine whether or not ex...

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Keep an Eye Out for Tax Increase Legislation in 2020

by Philip Baron, MBA As 2019 draws to a close let's look at the tax increase bills to watch out for in the 2020 budget session. Here is a summary of the tax increase bills that have been endorsed by the Interim Joint Revenue Committee for introduction in February 2020. Corporate Income Tax: Link to bill: National Corporate Tax Recapture The biggest...

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The WyoLink Tax

by Philip Baron, MBA At the October meeting of the interim Joint Transportation, Highways & Military Affairs, a fifty-cent tax "fee" was proposed on every phone connection in the state. The proposed bill was not sponsored by the committee, who declined to vote on moving the bill out of committee. This fee would be administered in a similar way ...

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Revenue in Lieu of Tax Increases

by Philip Baron, MBA A draft bill sponsored by Rep. Harshman, R -- Casper, proposes that the Office of State Lands and Investments solicit proposals to maximize the value of school and state trust lands. The draft bill was discussed at the November 12, 2019 meeting of the Select Committee on Capital Financing and Investments. The aim of this legisl...

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No Time to Wait for CSAs

by Austin Hein Child Safety Accounts (CSA) would undoubtedly help protect Wyoming's children from bullying and harassment in their schools. A CSA program would provide funds to families of bullied children to allow them to escape harmful environments in their schools. CSAs give them enough financial flexibility to even attend different schools. All...

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