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Schools Must Compete

Who ever heard of a football team not improving by competing? Practice makes perfect, but perfect gets better through competition. Competition reveals unknown flaws, generates new ideas and improves execution of old methods. Our K-12 education system needs improvement as Wyoming Liberty Group has written previously. Assuming our schools want to get...

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One Billion Smackaroonies

What do we do when we encounter a luxurious buffet but are on a diet? We carefully take only the permitted amount of each allowed item, right? And then we consciously take a smidgen more of each. Soon the plate is overloaded (and maybe we go back for seconds – or thirds!) Is that what's happened in Wyoming K-12 education over the last decade? Take ...

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Instruction or Administration?

Bob Nelson talks with Glenn Woods on BoldRepublic about how little K-12 spending goes to classroom instruction. 

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Wyoming Education Spends a Lot of Bucks With Little Bang

Robert Nelson explains how Wyoming spends more on education than its neighbors but shows no improvement in student test scores.  

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Inconveniently inefficient

Wyoming's constitution mandates K-12 education be universal, free of charge and efficient 1. However, the concept of efficiency is so inconvenient it was scarcely mentioned in the course of more than twenty years of litigation about K-12 funding. The result is the mammoth and terrifically expensive education system we now have. Efficiency often sim...

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When Hope Clashes with the Reality of Wyoming Education

We all get the warm fuzzies, don't we, when the auto mechanic confidently assures us he knows the cause of our car's clunking, that it can be fixed by end of day and it will only cost a small amount? Sure; but then hope and reality clash when the work starts. Taking a look under the hood, the mechanic decides whatever it is, it's going to take long...

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Not proficient in reading and math? No job for you!

We read frequently about employers who desperately want to hire and put people to work. And we often read about how young people are desperate to find jobs "with a living wage." So why aren't they teaming up and living happily ever after? Where's the disconnect? It's in basic skills. Employers routinely report that people they interview don't have ...

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Education Consultant Faults Wyoming

Wyoming has been paying a ton of money for K-12 education since 2005. The reason for the heavy spending? It was a major Wyoming Supreme Court/Legislative overhaul of the way our schools were being funded to equalize spending among students. Now we find that the consultants, on whose advice the spending was largely based, criticize the system for we...

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Wyoming Must Reduce Education Spending

State revenues are declining dramatically and are expected to continue to decline. That means big ticket items, even crucial ones like K-12 education, must feel the pinch. No one wants the quality of education in Wyoming to drop, but the spending on it must decrease. Why? The Consensus Revenue Estimating Group (CREG) projected in January that total...

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Cost of K-12 Education in Wyoming

WyLiberty's financial analyst Bob Nelson talks about the annual cost of K-12 education in Wyoming.  

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Cheyenne WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
Cheyenne, WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020