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Weekly Economic Report: Personal Income and Its Components

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff This Weekly Economic Review reports data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis on the composition of personal income in Wyoming. Main Point: Personal income in Wyoming is skewed toward equity-based and entitlement-based earnings. This should be taken into account when the legislature considers future changes to our sta...

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Legalizing Any Form of Marijuana Use in Wyoming is a Step Toward Liberals Flipping Wyoming to a Blue State Instead of Red.

As this article discusses, "Even cannabis advocates, like Rob Kampia, the co-founder of the Marijuana Policy Project, acknowledge that they have always viewed medical marijuana laws primarily as a way to protect recreational users." Read more from Alex Berenson as he discusses the intriguing evidence of a link between rising cannabis use and increa...

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“Reclaiming” Our Money: A Tale of Hidden Costs Associated with HB220

Despite the assertions of some of our representatives, Wyoming is not the only state without a corporate income tax.1 Moreover, states are trending away from the corporate income tax. Forbes magazine recently discussed this trend in an article entitled, "2019 Became The Year That Republicans in Wyoming Started Acting Like Democrats In Washington".2...

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What Is the Legislature’s Fiscal Policy Strategy?

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The legislature is now past the deadline for moving bills out of their chamber of origin, and we can take inventory of the bills that proposed tax increases. The long story short is that our elected officials appear to have been listening to the opposition to tax hikes. The following bills that were written to raise y...

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Wyoming’s Gender Wage Gap?

The state legislature has refused to rise to the bait to address the so-called gender wage gap in Wyoming. Of the three bills brought to address this dubious issue, only one remains and it is a small bill that actually deserves to pass. House Bill 71, sponsored by the Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Committee, will increase the fine for a c...

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Fraud, Waste & Abuse of Public Money – Transparency is More Than “Political Propaganda”

Did you know that some people question the point of transparency? Some think that Wyoming is not a "corrupt" state. While everyone in government surely is not corrupt, there is noted fraud, waste and abuse in Wyoming. We need to know where our tax dollars are going and why, before spending cuts can be made fairly. Yet, a city of Casper employee, pl...

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The Celebrated Fake Frog That Is Taking Down the Deep State

By Karin McQuillan When President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the top constitutional lawyers in the country shared one predominant hope and expectation. Before the hearings, I spoke with five of the men who fought and won hard Supreme Court battles for religious freedom, property rights, and freedom of speech. All of them ...

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Obamacare Apocalypse Now? Exploring the question of the Affordable Care Act’s Constitutionality

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff Why should you care about Obamacare's constitutionality? Simply put, if the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) were to be ruled unconstitutional, then Medicaid expansion would not be an option for the State of Wyoming, and our healthcare market could open up to more than one insurance provider for ...

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Telehealth: The Way of the Future?

Join staff member Evan Blauser for a fascinating podcast as he discusses Telehealth in Wyoming. Where are we now and what the future could hold. Evan exchanges points of view with Dr. James Bush of the Wyoming Telehealth Consortium and Dr. Lisa Finkelstein from St. John's Medical Center in Jackson, WY.

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Education Funding in Wyoming and Transparency

Transparency Before Taxes Video, enjoy. 

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