Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053
Phone: (307) 632-7020
by Wyoming Liberty Group
Recently, Florida voters rejected the legalization of recreational marijuana, defeating the most well-funded pot legalization campaign in U.S. history. We in Wyoming can learn a thing or two from this historic win.
For years, pro-pot forces have tried to crack into the Wyoming market, just as they have pried open many other states to the legalization of the mind-altering drug. And we know they aren't done. They'll be back. There's a lot of money on the table. Greed knows no bounds.
But what we learned from Florida is both stunning and simple: It's not all about the money, no matter how many millions the marijuana industry throws at their campaigns.
Florida told us this: Leadership counts. We need people to speak up and speak out against the dangers of marijuana.
The sunshine state taught us this as well: That people are wising up to the propaganda from the weed industry. People are seeing the devastating effects from the legalization of pot: Drugged driving accidents. Calls to 911. Psychotic breaks. The list goes on.
But let's back up a sec. What did the marijuana interests try to do in Florida? Strictly speaking, they wanted to allow the recreational sale of pot to people over the age of 21. Their campaign was funded with over $150 million. Most of that money came from the big pot operator, Trulieve.
What's more, both major U.S. presidential candidates voiced their support during the election campaign for the legalization of marijuana, a first in American history. So, there was a lot of momentum on the side of the pot operators trying to open the Florida market.
But in a shock to many pollsters, voters in Florida rejected the measure, as it failed to garner the 60 percent required to approve an amendment to the state constitution.
"This is clearly one of Big Marijuana's biggest defeats yet," said Kevin Sabet, president of the nonprofit group, Smart Approaches to Marijuana, in the aftermath of the vote. "Floridians have dealt a remarkable blow to one of the largest commercial marijuana companies in the U.S. and others in the addiction industry."
Amendment 3, as it was known, received about 57 percent. Miami-Dade County rejected the measure 51 percent to 48 percent. So, it was a pretty close call. And it was also a reminder that every little action can make a difference.
That included the vocal opposition to the measure by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and the Florida Republican Party. They made a compelling argument that marijuana stinks—literally. That the stench of pot would negatively affect the quality of life of Floridians.
Indeed, DeSantis, the titular leader of the state, reminded Floridians what has happened in other states that have legalized marijuana—places like California, New York and Colorado. The influx of pot operators and the awful waft of marijuana have eroded the air of those states. Did Floridians want to besmirch its own outdoors? We in Wyoming could very well ask the same question, given the importance of our wildlife and outdoor life and beauty.
DeSantis also highlighted a basic fact about the campaign—that it was being driven by corporate interests in the marijuana business who, in essence, were simply trying to feather their own nest. This was a way of reminding voters that this wasn't about what was best for consumers but rather, it was about the profit-motive of big business.
DeSantis also moved to forge an unlikely alliance with the hemp industry, a rival of the pot folks, extracting a pledge from hemp leaders to donate millions to the effort to defeat the marijuana legalization initiative.
But DeSantis wasn't the only leader to take a stand against the legalization measure in Florida. Several influencers posted about their concerns on social media. And such concerns weren't only coming from Republicans and conservatives. Even Donna Shalala, the Democrat who had served as the head of the Department of Health and Human Services under President Bill Clinton, also spoke out against legalizing marijuana, warning against what she called a "new addiction-for-profit industry."
So, leadership counts, and we must remember that in Wyoming when the pro-pot forces make another incursion to try to legalize the drug in the Cowboy State. After all, even in Florida, it's not clear whether or when the marijuana industry will make another attempt to legalize the drug. Greed, as we know, has a way of rearing its ugly head.
Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053
Phone: (307) 632-7020