Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053
Phone: (307) 632-7020
In this episode, Senator Lynn Hutchings sits down with host Mike Garofalo for an in-depth conversation on her most important issues in this legislative session. She is sponsoring some significant legislation, including using state-issued concealed carry permits as voter identification and working on a national problem referred to as a pharmacy benefit manager reform. The 2023 Wyoming bills covered in this interview include the following: SF0086 - Voter Identification - Concealed Carry Permit SF0130 - Education Freedom Act SF0131 - Prohibition on Delivery of Unsolicited Ballot Forms SF0151 - Wyoming Prescription
Drug Transparency Act Senator Hutchings also weighs in on a couple of issues she's very passionate about. Those are SF111 and SF144. Both bills are related to protecting Wyoming children and citizens alike from the barbaric acts of transgender treatment. To view these bills and more visit wyoleg.gov. Under legislation select "2023 General Session Bills"
Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053
Phone: (307) 632-7020