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Government Programs

Sometimes we need government programs for preserving a collective good for the people. Government programs come with expansion of government, unintended consequences and regulations. We need to vet government programs because they also can create dependencies on services that can be filled in a less costly solutions.

The Road to Real Healthcare Reform

Charlie Katebi and John Birbari on KVOW discuss why healthcare in Wyoming is so expensive and how to make it more affordable. 

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Reforming Entitlements Benefit Patients and Taxpayers Alike

by Charles Katebi Entitlements used to be considered the "third-rail" of American politics. Now the public recognizes that without major changes to Medicare and Medicaid, both programs threaten our fiscal future. Fortunately, there are reforms that not only save taxpayers money, but also deliver better healthcare to the elderly and needy. But befor...

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Medicare and Medicaid: A Tale of Two Scams

by Charles Katebi Medicare and Medicaid are the two largest government-run health insurance programs in the United States, and arguably the world. Combined, they cover an estimated 120 million Americans and spend a quarter of the federal government's budget. And without major reforms, these entitlements threaten to bankrupt taxpayers and hang patie...

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How to Fund a Porkfest Without Really Trying

Everybody wants the one percent Did you know the State of Wyoming has more than one fund with handy cash ready for the taking? While most people think of the Legislative Stabilization Reserve Account (LSRA) as the rainy day fund, the state has hundreds of spend-ready funds. One of those, the Strategic Investment and Project Account (SIPA), could ac...

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Direct Primary Care: Lower Costs and Better Health

by Charles Katebi What is Direct Primary Care? Direct primary care is a direct patient-to-provider relationship that delivers quality healthcare at an affordable price. Under a direct primary care contract, patients pay their physicians a flat, monthly fee. And in exchange, their physicians provides a range of primary care services. These services ...

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Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal talk to Chuck Gray on KVOC about how he shrank the size of government in his state

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal talk to Chuck Gray on KVOC about how he shrank the size of government in his state to set the stage for growth in the private sector, more jobs and a higher standard of living for the people of Louisiana. November 7, 2015 

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Families need to pay more in gasoline taxes?

A cabal of special interest groups seems to have convinced Wyoming's governor and more than a few legislators that families need to pay more in gasoline taxes. But with the possibility of a Taxmageddon hitting already overburdened families in January, the last thing the legislature should be doing is hiking fuel taxes.  

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The government is crying in its cups about a lack of money

The government is crying in its cups about a lack of money. However, according to the Heritage Foundation, Taxmageddon means Wyoming taxpayers would face an $836.5 million tax increase. This includes: $288 million in Bush-era tax rates: $216 million because of expiring payroll tax cuts: and $332.5 million in new Obamacare taxes. Imagine if the gove...

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Are the ads we created considered ‘advocacy’?

A Wyoming grassroots group, made up of three regular guys, asked the Federal Election Commission (FEC) if the ads they created would be considered 'advocacy.' If the ads were, it would mean the group would have to register with the government just to speak about issues like gun rights, land rights and health care they consider important. The paperw...

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The FEC continues to ignore Supreme Court rulings

For reasons only known to the FEC, it continues to ignore Supreme Court rulings. It's time for that to stop because ironically, campaign finance laws do more than big money ever could to shut people up and confine participation in politics to the wealthy and connected. It's time to overturn vague and overbroad laws, and let Free Speech live up to i...

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