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Halt the March to Fuel Poverty in Wyoming

A favorite corporate welfare scheme in Wyoming uses tax dollars to attract private companies to the state. One headline-grabbing scheme involves tax breaks and grants for data center attraction. When spinning the benefits of these subsidies, politicians make effusive claims to taxpayers, raving on about diversifying the economy, creating jobs, boos...

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Every Child Achieves When Parents Have Choices

by Wyoming Liberty Staff "…the reality of why school choice is needed is simple; public education continues to plot a failing course towards complete government centralization from the top down, and complete learning uniformity nationwide. This course is out of step with what parents want and what is best for children — and with what is best for Am...

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Personal Attacks Don’t Change Facts

Letter to the editor published in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle, September 28, 2014 As is often the case, those without a response to an argument resort to ad hominem attacks, as in Rodger McDaniel's commentary, the rick think differently, in Saturday's Wyoming Tribune Eagle. Former state of Wyoming pensioners, such as Mr. McDaniel, must understand tha...

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Removing Coal from the Energy Mix

The consequence for your electricity bill. In 2013, President Obama's Climate Action Plan laid out a plan to make the U.S. a leader in the effort to address global climate change. In June 2014, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated rules for cutting carbon dioxide emissions from existing power plants. One option the EPA would allow ...

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WyLiberty Attorneys File Free Speech Brief in Texas Case

AUSTIN, TX – Wyoming Liberty Group attorneys filed a friend-of-the-court brief today on behalf of WyLiberty and the Center for Competitive Politics in Texas v. DeLay. The brief is the second filed on behalf of both organizations, discussing the free speech implications of a criminal case with origins over a decade old. "In 2002, Tom DeLay and sever...

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Phone: (307) 632-7020

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