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More Americans Now Use Pot than Alcohol - What this means for Wyoming

by Wyoming Liberty Group The sound you just heard was that of near silence. A national story went out without much notice recently, making some headlines, but if you weren't paying attention, it was easy to miss. And yet, it's a troubling story that we in Wyoming should all pay close attention to. Because it may be coming here soon. The story is th...

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The Illusion of Medicaid Expansion - Wyoming lawmakers consider a new health care advisory

by Wyoming Liberty Group Call it an illusion. It sounds good, in principle: More healthcare coverage for those who can't afford it. Who wouldn't want that? But as the old saying goes, nothing's really free. That includes Medicaid, the government program aimed at providing health insurance for children and adults with limited resources. For years, p...

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From Rigs to Regulations: A Look at Wyoming's Oil Sector - Episode 070

Welcome to another episode of Eye on the Issues. Today, we're delving into the energy sector in Wyoming with Pete Obermueller, President of the Petroleum Association of Wyoming. Pete shares insights on the vital role of oil and gas in Wyoming's economy, detailing the industry's contributions to GDP, employment, and tax revenue.  Discover how t...

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Wyoming's Business Landscape: Insights with Renny MacKay - Episode 069

In this episode, we hear about the business climate of Wyoming with Renny MacKay, head of the Wyoming Business Alliance.  Renny shares his extensive background, from serving as Policy Director for Governor Mark Gordon to his role in communications for Governor Matt Mead. Now leading the Wyoming Business Alliance, Renny represents a diverse arr...

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Inside the Travel, Recreation, Wildlife & Cultural Resources Committee with Senator Schuler - Episode 068

In this episode of Eye on the Issues, we hear takeaways from the recent legislative session and explore key outcomes with Senator Wendy Schuler, who represents Senate District 15 in Uinta County.  Senator Schuler reflects on the budget session, highlighting the challenges and successes of passing the budget. She provides an overview of the leg...

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CEI Recognizes Our Recent Publication

We're thrilled to share that the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has recognized our recent publication, shedding light on Wyoming's civil forfeiture laws. CEI's acknowledgment underscores the significance of our efforts for justice and transparency. Dive into the details by visiting the link and explore how our work is making a meaningful im...

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Wyoming Legislative Session 2024 Recap: A Conversation with Rep. Ken Clouston - Episode 62

In this episode of "Eye on the Issues," we sit down with Rep. Ken Clouston, the House of Representatives member for District 32, to delve into the recent Wyoming legislative session. This year's session, primarily focused on budget and finance, covered a diverse range of crucial topics. One of the standout discussions was on the Education Savings A...

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The Stench of Marijuana - Pot poses a threat to Wyoming’s great outdoors

by Wyoming Liberty Group Forget, for the moment, the question of whether marijuana is bad for your health. (It is.) Let's face it: Some people will want to do things that might hurt them, like jumping into volcanoes, or smoking pot. But consider this: What about our environment? What about the great natural beauty of Wyoming, our pride and joy? Are...

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Buyer Beware: The Latest Pot Pitch - Marijuana forces try to pry open Wyoming with false promise peddled in South Carolina

by Wyoming Liberty Group Saying something is true doesn't make it so. That's especially the case with the so-called "Compassionate Care Act," a bill to bring about marijuana as medicine in South Carolina. There's nothing "compassionate" about that bill, by the way. But why should we in Wyoming care about legislative shenanigans occurring far from o...

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The Cynical Politics of Marijuana - Federal government considers loosening restrictions on pot but how will it impact Wyoming?

by Wyoming Liberty Group Leave it to the feds to muck things up. Just when lawmakers in Wyoming took steps to curb the flow of marijuana in our state, the federal government appears poised to loosen restrictions on the illegal, mind-altering drug. Why? Well, part of the reason is basic politics, plain and cynical. President Joe Biden, whose poll nu...

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Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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