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Direct Primary Care’s Promise

by Charles Katebi Progressives constantly frame the debate over healthcare reform as a false choice: should healthcare be financed through insurance companies or the government? Both options leave patients at the mercy of third parties. Now an alternative known as Direct Primary Care promises to put the patient back in the driver's seat. The patien...

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Obamacare Exchanges are Bleeding States Dry

In four weeks, the Supreme Court will rule on King v. Burwell. A ruling in favor of the plaintiffs invalidates federal insurance subsidies for the 36 states without a state exchange and frees them from the individual and employer mandate. States that built their own exchanges bound their residents to Obamacare's mandates, penalties, and restriction...

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Medicaid Expansion Is An Empty Promise

by Charles Katebi When progressives make the case for Medicaid Expansion, without fail they remind their listeners that the federal government has pledged to cover 90 percent of the cost of expansion. But a report from the Foundation for Government Accountability sheds light on just how empty the federal government's promises really are. On multipl...

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The Urgent Case for School Choice in Wyoming

by Wyoming Liberty Staff In writing a piece about why school choice is the right choice for parents in Wyoming I could start by reciting a whole slew of numbers regarding graduation rates, college enrollment, academic achievement and taxpayer savings. These figures are readily available everywhere and have been discussed for years by those in the e...

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Health Care in Wyoming and Your Legislators

Lorraine Quarberg and Glenn Woods from discuss Gov. Mead's position on Medicaid expansion, and what to do if you are unhappy about what your state government is doing. 

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Enacting Federal Education Policy: The Definition of Insanity

According to the Wyoming Department of Education, Wyoming will not be receiving a waiver renewal from the United States Department of Education for the 2014-2015 school year, and this is ultimately a good thing. This means the state will operate under the dictates of No Child Left Behind (NCLB), a federal education mandate developed by President Bu...

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Federal Meddling in State Standards to Continue

If Wyoming needed a better reason to begin removing itself from the entanglement of federal education funds, here it is. In a recent article, Cato's Neal McCluskey points out what many Common Core critics already know about the federal government's involvement in Common Core - it's not going to be a one- time occurrence. Federal government meddling...

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Common Core Creates Public Schools Exodus

More and more parents across the county who reject the national Common Core standards are stretching their resources and removing their children from public schools. In this powerful piece by Dr. Susan Berry, parents talk about why they are quitting jobs and tightening belts so they can provide an alternative to the debilitating Common Core curricu...

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