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Education Spending Wars About to Begin

by Wyoming Liberty Staff Members of the Wyoming House and Senate Education committee met last week at the close of the legislative session to discuss potential topics to study over the next 10 months. The meeting began with all of the lackluster enthusiasm of insomniacs watching a midnight infomercial. The usual flock of education bureaucrats and l...

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Wyoming Is Safe from Medicaid Expansion – But Could it Rise Again?

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free. PJ O'Rourke Choosing to expand Medicaid is like deciding to marry for the sake of a dream honeymoon when disillusionment is the likely outcome. Fortunately, seven members of the Joint Appropriations Committee rescued Wyoming from a looming and ill-conceived ...

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Medicaid Expansion and Hollow Promises

by Charles Katebi Supporters of Medicaid Expansion, including Governor Matt Mead, express an unwavering belief that the federal government will actually fund this entitlement as promised. Yet Washington's promises often become unfunded mandates. Even before the end of this year it is likely that Congress will cut federal funding for Medicaid Expans...

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Utopia or Reality in Education?

by Wyoming Liberty Staff Great American men of letters like Russell Kirk and M.E. Bradford have written much about the contrast between those who favor human realities and those who wish to impose utopias on human society. While we are tempted to consign these considerations to the dusty shelves of aging libraries, we do so at our peril. Government...

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School Districts Strangle School Choice

by Wyoming Liberty Staff "This is the biggest anti school choice vote by a local school board in state history." Sandy Shanor, Chair of Laramie County School Board #1 In a historic 5-2 vote last week in Cheyenne, the state's largest school district passed a solidly anti school choice resolution for use by the Wyoming School Boards Association (WSBA...

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Charter School Battle Heats Up in Wyoming

by Wyoming Liberty Staff Wyoming is no stranger to the ugliness of the school choice battle. When it comes to the state monopoly over education, parents are almost always the losers. Currently, local school districts are the only body with the authority under the law to approve an independent public charter school. These elected school boards have ...

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Are You One of The Favorites Who Benefits from “Public Benefit” Spending?

Wyoming's Legislative Service Office (LSO) released a report evaluating Public Purpose Investments (PPI), the use of the Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund (PWMTF) to subsidize loans in the state. The report found that PPIs returned less financially than the Treasurer's regular portfolio. This is important because no matter how politicians try to...

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Direct Primary Care: Wyoming’s Opportunity for Affordable Healthcare

by Charles Katebi In a promising moment of bipartisan agreement, members of Wyoming's Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Committee began drafting legislation that will allow patients and physicians to contract directly with each other and escape our disastrously overregulated insurance system. This legislation will strengthen every Wyoming res...

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School Choice Provides Real Taxpayer Savings

by Wyoming Liberty Staff This fall Wyoming legislators are busy attending interim Committee meetings on a variety of subjects, all of which will be addressed in the cold winter months of February and March during the 2016 Budget Session. Current trends indicate long-term budget problems for Wyoming. This April I wrote a blog entitled, The Urgent Ca...

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Healthcare is a Dangerous Thing to Waste

by Charles Katebi Contrary to the claim of Obamacare's supporters, patients have too much access to healthcare. When insurers cover most of our bills, we're encouraged to take every test and procedure our doctors recommend, regardless of their value. Obamacare has made this problem even worse by banning out-of-pocket fees for many services. The pus...

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