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Laramie Amends Unconstitutional Sign Law

LARAMIE — The Laramie City Council adopted an ordinance last night removing the unconstitutional time limitations imposed by the Laramie Unified Development Code on political signs following an accelerated review process that began with a June 30 notice to Laramie City Officials from WyLiberty staff attorney identifying constitutional violations in...

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WyLiberty Attorneys Win Aggregate Contribution Limit Case

CHEYENNE – Judge Alan Johnson of the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming approved a settlement in Brophy v. Maxfield today, halting the enforcement of a two-year aggregate contribution limit under Wyoming law. The settlement ends a lawsuit filed by Wyoming Liberty Group attorneys in July that challenged the aggregate limit as a...

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WyLiberty Wins Free Speech Case for Minor Party and Independent Candidates

CHEYENNE, WY – Judge Alan B. Johnson of the United States District Court for the District of Wyoming approved a settlement in the case Wills v. Maxfield today, issuing a consent order that halts enforcement of certain campaign finance laws against minor party and independent candidates and their contributors. The order comes a few weeks after the W...

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Signs, Speech Everywhere in Cheyenne

(Disclaimer: This blog post contains photographs of political signs. Wyoming Liberty Group is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that cannot, and does not, endorse candidates. We can, however, champion the rights of free people to speak out about candidates, including through political signs.) We won our lawsuit in Williams v. City of Cheyenne earlier this year...

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Playing Chicken with the FEC

Since the United States Supreme Court denied certiorari in our case Free Speech v. Federal Election Commission (that is, declined to hear the case), one of the issues raised in the case has only become more pressing. We argued that three men in Wyoming who wanted to spend as little as a few thousand dollars on ads criticizing the President and othe...

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Exposing the Campaign Finance Lobby

Sometimes it is difficult to show how the First Amendment and campaign finance reform are relevant to most Americans. But recent statements from a leading advocate of reform illustrate the significance of these issues. In April, the Democracy Alliance gathered in Chicago to discuss how best to shut down conservative policies. At the April meeting, ...

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A Government of Laws and Not of Men

Over at the Wyoming Liberty Group, I've written extensively about campaign finance reform and its danger to the First Amendment. Through Republic Free Choice, I'd like to examine this theme a bit more deeply. John Adams once expressed the familiar phrase that ours is a "government of laws and not of men." This statement means that in a free society...

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Public Campaign Action Fund Discovers the Value of Free Speech

This week, the people in Virginia spoke and no amount of money could stop them. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor suffered a stinging loss to primary challenger Dave Brat. For those who despair the role of money in elections this primary upset is a curious case. Cantor, who raised nearly $5.5 million in funding, enjoyed a 26:1 cash advantage over B...

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WyLiberty Attorney Testifies for Changes to Wyoming Campaign Finance Law

SHERIDAN, WY – Wyoming Liberty Group attorney Steve Klein testified before the Joint Corporations, Elections and Political Subdivisions Committee today, his second appearance before the committee in their two-day meeting. Klein testified in favor of amending the Wyoming Election Code to comply with the recent United States Supreme Court decision Mc...

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WyLiberty Attorneys File Free Speech Brief in Texas Case

AUSTIN, TX – Wyoming Liberty Group attorneys filed a friend-of-the-court brief today on behalf of WyLiberty and the Center for Competitive Politics in Texas v. DeLay. The brief is the second filed on behalf of both organizations, discussing the free speech implications of a criminal case with origins over a decade old. "In 2002, Tom DeLay and sever...

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Cheyenne WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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1740 H Dell Range Blvd. #274
Cheyenne, WY 82009

Phone: (307) 632-7020