Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053
Phone: (307) 632-7020
Dear Councilmembers,
Cheyenne is a remarkable city with a rich history in our magnificent state, often viewed as a tested and proven leader for our smaller communities. As you demonstrated on Wednesday evening, you know that Cheyenne is in no position to make such an impactful decision that could be replicated across numerous communities with no fundamental understanding of the potential harm to follow. The team at Wyoming Liberty Group is here to support you in any way we can. We have been researching information for the fight against pot since 2019. Our library of information is open and available to you anytime. On that note, we have included one of the most comprehensive reports we have come across in our studies. This report will provide you with a wide variety of statistics experienced by our neighbors to the south. We have also included a recent article from Cowboy State Daily where a Riverton high school principal is begging city leaders to ban THC in all of its many forms.
We have found decriminalization, while it sounds like a well-intended remedy to the burdens on the justice system, is nothing more than the lion that ate the cage inch by inch. Cheyenne and the rest of Wyoming cannot risk letting this lion have an inch. Our citizens, especially our children, MUST be protected from the irrefutable damages of marijuana. Decriminalization should be seen for what it is at its core. Like the dentist who pulls the one critical tooth holding the mouth together, the THC advocates want to destroy the police's power to protect us by issuing citations for flagrant use. If the courts are jammed, the solution is to remedy the court system, not to destroy their justice function.
Decriminalization is not now, nor has it ever been, something to bestow new freedom on our citizens. It's the deliberate cracking of a window for chaos to climb in. Citizens doing as they please has always been their freedom. However, the buck stops here: their use must not bring down the structure of social order by withdrawing our Wyoming safeguard – police who issue citations and courts that back up the police. The status quo protects us from widespread corruption in the manner of Colorado. Without a system of consequences for our actions, we are left with more problems than solutions. The former Attorney General for the State of Colorado once told us, "Trying to control marijuana is like trying to catch a cheetah with a butterfly net."
If there is any additional information or support, we can provide, don't hesitate to contact us anytime. Our phone number is 307-632-7020, and our email is
In Liberty,
Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053
Phone: (307) 632-7020