
There is great empathy in our culture for the addicted soul. Addiction stems from a psychological disposition of the individual. In this codependent culture, people think they don't want innocent people criminalized or sick people to hurt. It is not advisable to ignore the reality in favor of the hype of the cannabis movement. Falsehoods abound...

There is great empathy in our culture for the addicted soul. Addiction stems from a psychological disposition of the individual. In this codependent culture, people think they don't want innocent people criminalized or sick people to hurt. It is not advisable to ignore the reality in favor of the hype of the cannabis movement. Falsehoods abound regarding this topic. The question becomes that this is an untested product with little or no facts to substantiate its medical use. It is questionable as to why this gateway drug is being marketed as a harmless way to increase revenues for the state as it destroys the health and well-being of its citizens.


Hemp Legalization Stalled by Federal Bureaucracy

by Austin Hein It has been almost a full year since the 2018 Farm bill was signed into law by President Trump. One of the few good provisions of that bill legalized the production of hemp. This is especially good for a state like Wyoming, which has the opportunity to capitalize on this new and exploding market. Unfortunately, as it was reported in ...

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