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Transparency is crucial to both streamlining government bureaucracies and for public review of government spending. It assists our representatives in making better policy, it is a reality test for legal and constitutional obligations, and it just lets the public know how their money is being spent. It is a natural watchdog tool for corruption...

Transparency is crucial to both streamlining government bureaucracies and for public review of government spending. It assists our representatives in making better policy, it is a reality test for legal and constitutional obligations, and it just lets the public know how their money is being spent. It is a natural watchdog tool for corruption in government as well as it is a revelation of how government may have lost oversight accountability.


Civil Forfeiture in Wyoming: the Coming Impact of the Timbs Ruling

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff The Supreme Court recently delivered a landmark decision regarding the constitutionality of civil asset forfeiture as it applies to the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Civil Asset Forfeiture is a mechanism law enforcement agencies use to seize property which they determine as associated with...

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Weekly Economic Report: Personal Income and Its Components

by Wyoming Liberty Group Staff This Weekly Economic Review reports data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis on the composition of personal income in Wyoming. Main Point: Personal income in Wyoming is skewed toward equity-based and entitlement-based earnings. This should be taken into account when the legislature considers future changes to our sta...

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“Reclaiming” Our Money: A Tale of Hidden Costs Associated with HB220

Despite the assertions of some of our representatives, Wyoming is not the only state without a corporate income tax.1 Moreover, states are trending away from the corporate income tax. Forbes magazine recently discussed this trend in an article entitled, "2019 Became The Year That Republicans in Wyoming Started Acting Like Democrats In Washington".2...

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Wyoming’s Gender Wage Gap?

The state legislature has refused to rise to the bait to address the so-called gender wage gap in Wyoming. Of the three bills brought to address this dubious issue, only one remains and it is a small bill that actually deserves to pass. House Bill 71, sponsored by the Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Committee, will increase the fine for a c...

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Fraud, Waste & Abuse of Public Money – Transparency is More Than “Political Propaganda”

Did you know that some people question the point of transparency? Some think that Wyoming is not a "corrupt" state. While everyone in government surely is not corrupt, there is noted fraud, waste and abuse in Wyoming. We need to know where our tax dollars are going and why, before spending cuts can be made fairly. Yet, a city of Casper employee, pl...

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The Celebrated Fake Frog That Is Taking Down the Deep State

By Karin McQuillan When President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the top constitutional lawyers in the country shared one predominant hope and expectation. Before the hearings, I spoke with five of the men who fought and won hard Supreme Court battles for religious freedom, property rights, and freedom of speech. All of them ...

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Education Funding in Wyoming and Transparency

Transparency Before Taxes Video, enjoy. 

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Defense Distributed and Citizens United: From Banning Guns to Banning Books

by Steve Klein Defense Distributed has a mission to design and share open-source projects for personal manufacture of firearms, including the use of 3D printing. Its first big success, the Liberator, was, indeed, a shot heard around the world. After settling with the State Department in June and ending a case in which the Obama administration argue...

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Wyoming Education Funding

The Wyoming school system receives $19000.00 a year per student for funding. Amazingly, this increase in funding has not yielded any improvements overtime in performance test scores. Why aren't our educators and legislators held accountable for this disconnect of funding and lack of results? The very fact that these actual spending, funding and tes...

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CEO sits down with Glenn Woods on KGAB

Popular Wyoming radio host Glenn Woods has recently joined KGAB radio here in Cheyenne. CEO Jonathan Downing sat down with Glenn on Friday March 3. They discussed a variety of topics including a post-session rundown. Click play now to listen to this great conversation! 

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Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053

Phone: (307) 632-7020

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