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How Obamacare Fails the Uninsured

by Charles Katebi The Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as "Obamacare," will begin selling insurance plans for the fourth year in a row this week. The big question on everyone's mind is: do people want Obamacare insurance? After all, the primary purpose of Obamacare is to provide affordable coverage to the uninsured. As President Obama said:...

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Obamacare’s expansion means less, not more healthcare

by Charles Katebi Since Obamacare became law, patients have seen their health insurance choices disappear. There are fewer insurers selling fewer plans with narrower networks than ever before. And now Obamacare's architects want to snuff out the few remaining private options and replace them with government rationing and substandard healthcare. Pre...

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Six Years of Obamacare, Six Broken Promises

by Charles Katebi In March of 2010, Congress rushed to pass a massive unread bill titled, "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act," aka Obamacare. Now at the sixth anniversary of Obamacare we ask, "Has this legislation in fact protected patients, and has it proved to be affordable?" Here are six examples of promises Obamacare has broken: 1) Oba...

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Medicaid Expansion and Hollow Promises

by Charles Katebi Supporters of Medicaid Expansion, including Governor Matt Mead, express an unwavering belief that the federal government will actually fund this entitlement as promised. Yet Washington's promises often become unfunded mandates. Even before the end of this year it is likely that Congress will cut federal funding for Medicaid Expans...

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Obamacare’s Slow Throttling of Patients and Insurers

by Charles Katebi Since Obamacare took effect in 2013, the cost of health insurance has exploded. Turns out it's very costly for the insurers themselves and some are paying the ultimate price. In early October, one of those insurers, WINhealth, announced it faced severe financial challenges and was leaving the Obamacare exchange. Just 11 days later...

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The Killing Fields of Socialized Healthcare

by Charles Katebi The Department of Veterans Affairs is the perfect example of socialized healthcare. The federal government owns all the hospitals, employs all the staff, and leaves patients to languish and sometimes die on waitlists. A year after news broke that VA hospitals kept veterans waiting months to see a doctor, including in Wyoming, the ...

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Obamacare Exchanges are Bleeding States Dry

In four weeks, the Supreme Court will rule on King v. Burwell. A ruling in favor of the plaintiffs invalidates federal insurance subsidies for the 36 states without a state exchange and frees them from the individual and employer mandate. States that built their own exchanges bound their residents to Obamacare's mandates, penalties, and restriction...

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Medicaid Expansion Is An Empty Promise

by Charles Katebi When progressives make the case for Medicaid Expansion, without fail they remind their listeners that the federal government has pledged to cover 90 percent of the cost of expansion. But a report from the Foundation for Government Accountability sheds light on just how empty the federal government's promises really are. On multipl...

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