"Mr. First Amendment" and Constitutional attorney Benjamin Barr tells us the story.

Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053
Phone: (307) 632-7020
"Mr. First Amendment" and Constitutional attorney Benjamin Barr tells us the story.
by Charles Katebi In a promising moment of bipartisan agreement, members of Wyoming's Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Committee began drafting legislation that will allow patients and physicians to contract directly with each other and escape our disastrously overregulated insurance system. This legislation will strengthen every Wyoming res...
As the minerals boom turned to bust, so did the revenue supporting big government in Wyoming. Now our politicians have a choice. Should they: cut spending back to a level Wyoming taxpayers can afford;use revenues hoarded in savings accounts to continue spending at ever higher levels until savings run out, or;give money to private companies to magic...
by Wyoming Liberty Staff The United States Supreme Court unanimously struck down a town's sign regulations in Reed v. Town of Gilbert, Arizona because the regulations violated the First Amendment's free speech guarantee. In so doing, the Court reminded Americans and their local governments that First Amendment free speech rights are foundational to...
by Charles Katebi Progressives constantly frame the debate over healthcare reform as a false choice: should healthcare be financed through insurance companies or the government? Both options leave patients at the mercy of third parties. Now an alternative known as Direct Primary Care promises to put the patient back in the driver's seat. The patien...
Have you ever wondered whether government should buy coal or natural gas, convert it to a higher valued product and then sell that product in the open market? If this sounds like a bad idea to you, you'd be right. Private companies have already invested their own money in this type of scheme and lost big. It is unlikely government would do better w...
by Stephen Klein In the 2015 Wyoming Legislative Session, Senate File 14, or Senate Enrolled Act 1 (SEA 1), would have overhauled Wyoming's drug forfeiture laws to require a felony conviction before alleged drug property (cash, cars, firearms and the like) could be permanently taken by the state. The bill passed the Wyoming Legislature with an init...
Yesterday, the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit vacated the opinion in Halbig v. Burwell and agreed to hear the case en banc. This means that the entire D.C. Circuit (or a large number of its judges) will hear and decide the case instead of just the three judges on the original appellate panel. The issue in Halbig centers on a pr...
In 2010, the website PolitiFact called Republican claims that Obamacare is a "government takeover" of healthcare the "Lie of the Year." Last year, PolitiFact gave the title to President Obama's claim that under Obamacare "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it." Obviously, PolitiFact's authority over what constitutes a "lie" is question...
Now that marijuana is legal in Colorado under state law for not only medicinal but recreational use by people over 21, a new industry is taking off. As reported earlier this week by the Denver Post, "Commercial real estate tracker Xceligent Inc. estimates that marijuana cultivation and manufacturing facilities in [Denver] occupy about 4.5 million s...
Wyoming Liberty Group
P.O. Box 9
Burns, WY 82053
Phone: (307) 632-7020